Example sentences of "we can [adv] " in BNC.

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1 We have a lot to learn here , both about the most effective and workable formats for such a document , about the way in which we can most usefully and perceptively make comments and in ways which ( again ) fit practically into time demands .
2 It was in this period , very roughly between 1050 and 1150 , that we can most readily discern the revival of many independent cities ; and it was in the 1150s that the first serious challenge to their independence was mounted by the Emperor Frederick Barbarossa .
3 The setting is scenically very beautiful but also provides a very convenient base for those who are keen to explore this region as a whole — the ‘ League of Chianti ’ is all around and we can most particularly recommend Radda , the League 's ancient capital , which is within easy reach .
4 Now that our account of the concepts and positive knowledge of development is complete , we can most easily understand that controversy .
5 We can however shout our message from the hilltops . ’
6 If ρ is associative then , by definition , these two evaluations are equal and we can unambiguously denote the result by
7 Because these variables are free in no remaining Pi , we can finally delete their declarations using
8 Goffman ( 1981 : 150 ) cites one type of example : if someone repeatedly tells us to shut the window , we can finally respond by repeating his words in a strident pitch , enacting a satirical version of his utterance ( " say-foring " ) .
9 The issue is far more complicated and it is only fair to note that we have not reached a stage of knowledge when we can easily say what explains the status of women among the different peoples of the world .
10 We can easily understand why .
11 We can easily see what Irenaeus was exploring .
12 By the end , we can easily see why Maud Gonne never wanted him to be wholly rid of his obsession .
13 And for regular savings we can easily set up a standing order .
14 We can easily imagine devices by which a public memory could within modest limits reorganize itself on demand ; a catalog , or some analogous instrument , could be devised that would on request display its contents in several different arrangements .
15 We can easily imagine the effects of hacking on family life .
16 With this , we can easily flip any even number of edges , which we will see is all that is possible .
17 We can easily lose an inch or more in height as we go about our normal daily activities .
18 If we do n't warm up first we can easily pull a muscle or tear a ligament , just as the elasticity in a rubber band is greater if it is warm than if it is cold .
19 In The Prelude we can easily detect a similar pattern imposed upon experience , though Wordsworth is describing a poetic rather than a Christian vocation ; and though he may appear to use religious vocabulary ( see again the discussion on pages 89–91 ) , he is expounding a secular philosophy .
20 For instance , we can easily miss the point made by our Lord when he set a child in the midst of the crowd and declared to the surrounding throng that if they wished to enter the Kingdom of Heaven they would have to become as a little child ( Matt.
21 If we put a gentle shearing force upon the crystal as a whole we can easily apply that little extra strain needed to break the whole line of sorely stretched bonds but we find ( Figure 5b ) that we have merely reformed the whole arrangement one atomic spacing further on .
22 And we can easily see that an external contingent relation , no matter how regular a contingent relation it is , wo n't do the trick .
23 By moving the flux points around and changing their strengths we can easily assess the effect of a changing core field on VGP path .
24 The single philosophic-religious poem is 146 : While we can easily relate this sonnet to the meditative tradition , or to Stoic-Christian mortification patterns , it is an outsider in the Sonnets , which are otherwise a collection of love-poems .
25 I think we can easily put erm pits for daily life or how to be environmental .
26 We can easily picture the respectably dressed girl , swinging her skirts as she approached , and as she not-quite-accidentally brushed the ‘ common ’ girls to one side .
27 If you do n't , we can easily teach you . "
28 When we speak to a child , or to someone from another culture , we can easily estimate this knowledge incorrectly .
29 We can easily understand this if we assume that dialect A is ‘ standard SBE ’ , and dialect B is ‘ Cockney ’ .
30 The car is travelling at about 100 mph on the straights and braking hard before corners ; but it is stable enough for me to make notes and so quiet in the leather and teak-lined cabin that we can easily hear each other through out helmets .
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