Example sentences of "we get [art] " in BNC.

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1 As Layton said , ‘ I still regret that we got no encouragement from the CBC , because I think that we would have gone on to write plays . ’
2 They are so full of meaning , that if we got no further than these two opening words , our hearts would be warm with the thought of his loving relationship with us , especially if we use his own loving familiar word , Abba .
3 Oh , miles , mil Never stop anywhere , only three days , so we got no time for anything .
4 It 's just we got no time , as you sit down to work they pin something on you .
5 They think it is because we got no sense .
6 I should remind him and the House that the Government set up Her Majesty 's inspectorate of pollution , for which we got no credit whatsoever from Her Majesty 's Opposition .
7 We got no new Britain , and we got no new Europe . ’
8 We got no new Britain , and we got no new Europe . ’
9 We got no hint that there was any intention of even cutting the grant .
10 There 's no room to manoeuvre and we got no lock on our car .
11 We got no chicken left .
12 Well we got no pocket there .
13 Erm one year we got no end of slugs !
14 Mind you , I mean , we got no whisky anyway so I said she 's looking for somebody who erm drinks at erm a spot of whisky .
15 We were both delighted that we got every question correct except one little word .
16 It started nineteen seventy one or seventy two , it must have been , when my predecessor and I were sat down , and we said what about a band , they all said , what band , well let's have a band , and and it started just like that , and we , we managed to get the whole of the brigade alerted to it , and we had a meeting at headquarters , to which about forty or fifty people turned up , of which two had probably blown a an instrument in the past , and there was enough enthusiasm to learn and we had a , a chap who was a musical teacher in town who was would happily teach our people you see and so we went out , we had a penny , with no help from the authority or anybody else and we got every type of brass instrument for a band on tick and we said we 'd pay for it , and er
17 We got every every women that worked in the bakery into the union .
18 For example : ‘ In 1931 we got a new P[arish] P[riest] .
19 The staff were polite but when asked why there was no sign on the shop door , we got a rather unsatisfactory answer .
20 It was disturbing to hear the manager remind questioners of what happened when he made ‘ sensible ’ experiments in Saudi Arabia late last year : ‘ We got a 1-1 draw and a nasty headline . ’
21 For a bit of fun before we went back to London we got a boat trip round the harbour .
22 We got a name , we left Riverside and we slung Wally out of the band .
23 As Signals explained , television ruined all this homespun entertainment but personally I found it quite a relief when we got a set and could all sit around watching King George 's funeral .
24 The last time we got a penalty away from home , Christ was a carpenter .
25 We got a dreadful van from a man called Nick the Maltese , down the East End .
26 We got charge accounts at Max 's Kansas City , we got a charge account with a limousine service — we rode limousines instead of taxis because we did n't have to pay for limousines and we 'd have to pay the taxis — so we were always in limousines .
27 ‘ Yes , we got a replacement for Jameson … what ? … three months ago .
28 Dear God , We got a lot of religion in our house .
29 Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke says we can do a Roman banquet so we got a book from the library about what sort of food they ate .
30 And we got a generous response .
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