Example sentences of "we do the " in BNC.

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1 So I said , you can go in there when we are , when we done the shopping .
2 I could hardly believe that there 's nobody on level three mm and you see we done the Easter eggs and they ca n't join in , I have to say no , it 's a shame you know the
3 Suddenly one would leap onto a bale of hay and exclaim , ‘ I know , kids , why do n't we do the show right here … ? ’
4 And I said to myself : ‘ Why ca n't we do the same thing in Lebanon ? ’
5 And I said to myself : ‘ Why ca n't we do the same thing in Lebanon ? ’
6 ‘ How do we do the job ? ’
7 Why did n't we do the foul deed there , rather than risk facing a rugby team of accusing fingers at the inquest ?
8 Shall we do the F and G P route ?
9 right , can we do the next one , the last one
10 Should we do the short route 7 or the long 7 The long , of course !
11 Can we do the same thing for the magnetic quantities ?
12 Ca n't we do ca n't we do the old one ?
13 When did we do the gypsy camp ?
14 But why do we do the experiment then ?
15 So can we do the job tonight ?
16 Sir can we do the diagram ?
17 Shall we do the same ?
18 , what did we do the other morning , Sunday I think it was , there was two thrushes here singing their hearts out
19 Shall we do the pizza ?
20 are we doing the bulbs now ?
21 Are we doing the silly one now ?
22 Weeding , edging , mowing , prinking , pruning ; we did the lot .
23 John accused me of wimpish behaviour , so we did the tourist bit around the pits .
24 Instead we did the trail just south of Reykjahlid , climbing a lava mound overlooking the great lake .
25 The very particularity of the sacrament forces upon the penitent the sense that it is on the here and now — that row we had with the neighbours , the bad temper with which we did the washing-up , this specific uncharitable thought or unchaste deed — that salvation and damnation depend .
26 Tony Zanetta : ‘ We did the last part of the tour which we called Tour Five .
27 When we did the Ring people said it was ‘ chamber music ’ ; but I would deny that .
28 When we did The Taming of the Shrew , every time Petruchio yelled — and he had a fine voice — all the peacocks answered , and on the opening night I could feel my neighbour shaking with laughter because the peacocks were all jostling for the best places to roost in the trees .
29 We did n't use to talk about him like we did the others . )
30 We did the shopping together ; we went out for walks if we felt like it .
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