Example sentences of "we set out " in BNC.

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1 Once again we set out in the pre-dawn walk through the forest , the amble across the alpine pastures , and the short struggle up the screes to the foot of the wall .
2 It was mid-morning when we set out nervously along the coast road on the first two-wheeled motor I had ridden for 20 years .
3 Only , as Lewis tells us in Surprised by Joy , ‘ when we set out I did not believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God , and when we reached the zoo I did . ’
4 We set out to pay the last mournful duties through a road almost impassable with snow which continued to fall with a boisterous wind which blew it into immense drifts .
5 I thought that since the recital is to start at 7.30 you might all like something a little substantial before we set out .
6 In Chemicals and the quality of life we set out to illustrate these achievements in the most effective way possible , consistent with prudent use of our members ' funds .
7 That is why in this manifesto we set out a clear analysis of Britain 's problems and our proposals for putting them right .
8 We set out , in chapter 2 of this Report , the broad purposes — individual and social , educational and cultural , in school and in adult life — that underlie the curriculum and attainment targets that we recommend .
9 We set out to carry this out and passed through our old rendezvous on route .
10 We set out the same night for Bug Bug , but failed to make our objective owing to the bad nature of the ground for the vehicles .
11 Working with the architect Terry Farrell , we set out to show how the delightful triangular blocks of Victorian chambers along Queen Victoria Street in the City — Mappin and Webb is the best known — could be refurbished and brought back to life .
12 Before we set out , he showed us his letters of recommendation from delighted tourists .
13 We set out from Spean Bridge , where numerous coach parties enjoy real Highland hospitality in the Little Chef , before choosing from a rich selection of tartan travel rugs and heather-perfumed candles in the gift shop , and chugged our way up past Corriechoille farm .
14 As we set out in the truck which was going to take us the eight miles to Oakington , I was conscious that for once I was really looking my absolute best .
15 We set out for out next four hours stint in good spirits .
16 So we set out across the open grassy slope that led on up towards the forest .
17 It therefore becomes our responsibility to do our work well at all times to ensure that we achieve what we set out to do if we want to end gassing and to increase the sporting prospects .
18 We must , in fact , achieve what we set out to do or we are of no value to those who permit us on their land .
19 As we set out I wonder if I can be allowed more miracles and how the rest of my family and fellow pilgrims will be affected .
20 When we set out to know something , we do not proceed by proving everything we know before we know it .
21 But Smith admitted : ‘ We 've got three points out of four , and that 's what we set out to achieve from the first two games .
22 The only thing left to do was to get him in to the government hospital seventeen miles away , so we set out across the rice fields and village tracks , with the patient in a bullock cart .
23 At nine o'clock that night we set out in the pouring rain , our car packed with people and stores of food , picking our way through lorries , mules and men on foot .
24 We set out for the inlet , pulling a shrieking Maha , surrounded by the usual bevy of children and urged on by the boys , maids and especially the Youngest Son , who was always ready to tease and laugh .
25 So we set out to find the truth behind the mystery — and discovered a woman who forged a dazzling career with precision and determination .
26 He enthused : ‘ We gave a very disciplined display and did what we set out to do — win convincingly . ’
27 He enthused : ‘ We gave a very disciplined display and did what we set out to do , win convincingly .
28 He continued : ‘ Mick and I would like to think that some of the things we set out to achieve here have happened .
29 So when we set out to develop our new Panasonic brand AT compatible personal computer , we designed it for maximum versatility .
30 Pat had stressed its appeal in his manuscript so , on a snatched afternoon 's climbing , I met Don Sargeant and we set out to investigate .
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