Example sentences of "we [prep] many " in BNC.

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1 The ‘ Sinatra/Jagger/Jive Bunny 's Back ’ joke has seen us through many a long winter .
2 Mr Chairman , the traffic problem has been with us for many years as our village existed before the motor car .
3 He is from Madrid , and although he has lived among us for many years now , he still thinks like a madrileño sometimes . ’
4 Commonsense warns us of many pitfalls to avoid in relation to horses .
5 The bible forbids the taking of blood but we also believe it protects us against many of the medical problems which exist today
6 The implementation of policy leads us into many aspects of nature conservation not necessarily just on the Council 's own land but as you work for Fife Regional Council you will understand the ramifications of local authority influence .
7 The Opies ( 1959 ) and more recently Andrew Pollard ( 1985 ) have explored the very private world of children of primary school age and have provided us with many valuable insights .
8 Irrespective of their original function , these historical documents now provide us with many fascinating insights into the way we were .
9 Although we have answered some questions , our work has presented us with many more .
10 The voyage of the good ship ‘ Ceilidh ’ in September provided us with many lessons in seamanship and Christian living .
11 With long-term injury victims Graham Hill and Ian Brady only recently back in full training , and not ready for a competitive return , Carroll admits : ‘ The situation does not leave us with many options . ’
12 It can also free us from many mistaken myths about Darwin himself .
13 Virtually the whole process has been controlled by Personnel staff thus freeing us from many of the conventional DP constraints .
14 ‘ This worked against us in many areas of the country and we had a lot of losses .
15 We just want to share with you how God has been so faithful to us in many ways .
16 ‘ They will be a great threat to us in many areas .
17 It has challenged and tested us in many ways .
18 God speaks to us in many ways .
19 At this stage , you know , we do n't have in our situation because we 're very poor any kind of gifts that can give a valid expression even as a token of the tremendous support you 've all given us over many many years and decades in Britain that has been a source of inspiration .
20 Mozart has shown us on many occasions in his scores how delightful a melodic phrase can sound when given to bassoon and flute at two octaves distance .
21 This talk/slide show took us to many of the stations forming part of the former Cambrian system .
22 This has happened to us and has been reported to us by many other couples .
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