Example sentences of "but just a " in BNC.

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1 It was a buffalo , one of Africa 's most unpredictable and dangerous animals , out of sight but just a few feet away from where we were standing .
2 It 's OK like , but just a bit dizzy-making .
3 I feel OK and that , but just a little funny .
4 I 'm feeling OK and that , but just a bit dizzy .
5 Not a bad game in the circumstances but just a preliminary skirmish in World Cup terms .
6 The passage was not some ghastly simile of war or territorial domination ( though heaven knows what the Iranians would have made of it ) , but just a pictorial explanation of the passage North said he read them next , from the third chapter of Galatians : ‘ Know ye therefore that they which are of faith , the same are the children of Abraham . ’
7 I 'm not talking about shoving a prick up a five-year-old , which is beastly , or years of sexual dominance , but just a little playing around ? ’
8 Beyond the city boundaries but just a short drive away is the Royal Shakespeare Theatre on the River Avon at Stratford , the Grand Theatre at Wolverhampton and the Arts Centre at Warwick University .
9 At the age of 20 , Gedge was willing to placate his parents by taking on such a squalid job , but just a few years later , he was more than prepared to stand up to their well-intentioned pressure .
10 A small cottage was next to the terrace houses and like them had no garden but just a tiny yard and then came a doorway leading to the flat over the archway of Dean 's Yard .
11 I never got to hear Arthur Calder-Marshall talking about Patrick Hamilton , but just a few days later I was able to read Patrick Hamilton about Arthur Calder-Marshall , in a letter to Hamilton 's brother in 1951 about a radio talk Calder-Marshall had given : ‘ Arthur C-M 's description of me as he first knew me ( at the Wells Hotel , Hampstead ) makes very amusing reading .
12 However , twice now I have heard the character state that she is not a nurse but just a care assistant .
13 There 's nothing worse to come but just a different perspective which will probably put this whole thing into a new light . ’
14 Often a rent-free period is not an inducement but just a rearrangement of the overall rent , or reflects the fact that the tenant can not put the building into use until he has carried out certain work .
15 It need not be a large bed , but just a suitable corner , not too far from the house ( you must bear in mind the possible weather conditions ) and with reasonably dry access .
16 Alternatively , you could create a small design as though it were in a vase or a natural spray , and then surround it with an archway of flowers This would then have no mount , but just a plainish frame , to avoid the overall effect seeming too cluttered .
17 This was no PR prank but just a genuine and touching gesture by Campese .
18 Not in these days , for smoking in , but just a casual yet elegant loose jacket with a tie belt made in straight pieces like a very simple dressing gown — a truly marvellous garment to relax in after a hard day 's work and very good for either men or women .
19 One suggested reason is to protect public bodies from vexatious litigants with no real interest in the outcome of the case but just a desire to make things difficult for the government .
20 Many see the Basquiat retrospective as a referendum on the Whitney Museum 's curatorial standards , but just a month before the show was to open at the Whitney , a New York weekly reported that the museum had sought to fire Richard Marshall , the show 's curator , who had spent years preparing the project with Gerard Basquiat and the Robert Miller Gallery .
21 It is an island merely , a place with a history and a beautiful name , but just a place .
22 ‘ I always end up wearing the same old make-up , but just a little bit less of it , ’ admitted one frustrated friend .
23 ‘ A boy he may be , but just a boy he 's certainly not .
24 Here what is transposed is not an affix at all , but just a syllable .
25 He had plenty of acquaintances but just a couple of friends — Swayne , the stamp man , and Doble , the wine merchant .
26 So it was ten amps with just the one , just the fifty ohm and now it , I mean this is n't right but just a , let's say that with both we 're going to get about eleven amps .
27 But just a minor point , erm if we 're going to settle for one third the job initially , is that going to improve the bollards to the front and rear ?
28 As Maggie turns , I catch a flash of eye , fairy blue but just a bit milky .
29 Harps , fifth in the First Division , but just a point behind today 's second-placed opponents , can not afford to lose .
30 However , it follows at once that they do not strictly present us with a distinct adjective position , but just a special case of the predicative adjective already discussed in Chapter 3 .
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