Example sentences of "but only a " in BNC.

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1 But only a small portion of their material had superconducting properties .
2 Pound was to mock Yeats indulgently for seeing in Notre Dame not a physical presence in worked stone , but only a symbol ; yet in Sicily Pound 's seems to have been the mind that was symbologizing .
3 But only a trickle of tourists passed through Checkpoint Charlie .
4 They suggest that in 1987 British electors relied much more heavily on television than the press for information , but only a little more for vote-guidance .
5 From the mid-nineteenth century onwards it turned out that not the whole population of Ireland was willing to be represented at Westminster but only a portion , the portion namely in which sixteen out of seventeen constituencies still choose to send Members to Westminster today .
6 Because of the barrier against incest , the final object of the sexual instinct ‘ is never any longer the original object but only a surrogate for it … .
7 There 's a considerable saving in buying hooks in bulk but only a small percentage of anglers make use of this facility .
8 These patterns varied from language to language , but only a limited number of such patterns seemed to occur , so that the same pattern of kinship terminology was found among totally unrelated peoples speaking totally unrelated languages .
9 There is a garage/café where souvenirs of a kind can be bought but only a very good marketing man could come up with something stunning from a spot where most of the time nothing is happening .
10 Wages rose with inflation after the war to £8 a week but only a minority of players on a club 's books received this .
11 A flight crossing several time zones but only a short visit
12 But only a hiatus at National Carriers caused by the closure of British Rail 's door-to-door parcels service in 1980 stopped NFC going the way of other privatisations — into the pockets of disinterested individuals and institutions .
13 But only a few will make the change .
14 But only a local would know to put a body there .
15 There were once more than 60 American makers of robots , but only a few remain .
16 He was diffident — unlike Ernest who was good at all games — and preoccupied with his country pursuits , but they found him companionable ; himself capable of long hours of solitude , he could always find acquaintances ready to share his company for a time ; but only a few dedicated companions shared his exacting singleminded concentration on these occupations .
17 The computer did not plan an Agnes or a Paul , but only a prototype known as a human being , giving rise to a large number of specimens which are based on the original model and have n't any individual essence .
18 Coat he had none , but only a waistcoat with sleeves … fastened at his neck and in divers places below with pieces of cord …
19 Two years ago I planted over sixty daffodils , they all seem to have come up , produced plenty of foliage , quite a few had flower buds , but only a handful managed to actually flower .
20 Lady after lady breathed heavier when Pen dashed in and out , and on the days when Wilson was a little late with the supper — which she now undertook to provide — on account of having been delayed taking tea with Mrs Browning there was not a word of complaint but only a diffident enquiry as to how the venerable poetess had seemed .
21 I took a breath and pulled myself hand over hand down the curtain , seeking to find the bottom of it with my feet : and there was indeed a gap between the bottom edge of the curtain and the mud , but only a matter of inches , and there was clutter down there , unidentifiable , pressing against the barrier , trying to get past it .
22 ‘ Anyone could have killed Angela Brickell , but only a hundred and fifty or so people went to Sam 's party , and half of those were women . ’
23 I tried waving an arm to attract attention but only a weak flap of a hand was achieved .
24 ‘ Swainmotes ’ were held at Weybridge in Huntingdon Forest at Midsummer , Michaelmas and Martinmas in the middle of the fifteenth century , but only a few presentments of venison trespasses by husbandmen were presented by the foresters before the verderers between 1451 and 1455 .
25 You will notice from looking at our animals that Spider Monkeys have four long fingers , but only a rudimentary thumb .
26 But only a small child tugs at the heart-strings .
27 He , however , rightly concluded that the Convention does not give rise to any enforceable rights under English law , but only a direct right in relation to the procedures established by the Convention .
28 Thus , in the Maya world-view there was no sense of progress but only a blending of past , present , and future , which all tended to become one .
29 There were thousands surfing two-footers , but only a handful on twenty .
30 The following four German folktales relating to this theme , as collected by the Grimm brothers in the nineteenth century , are typical but only a fraction of the many variants known .
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