Example sentences of "but has [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Wimpey made a loss in 1991 of £16.1m but has restructured by selling off businesses and said earlier this year that it believed the worst was over in the construction industry .
2 It rose during the early 1980s but has fallen 9% since 1986 and is now about the same level as in the mid 1960s .
3 He 's the eldest son of the Duke of Marlborough , but has fallen out with his father after 2 jail sentences for drugs and driving offences .
4 Planting in 1988 came within 15 per cent of the national target , but has fallen now to one-third of that level for the same cost to the taxpayer as in 1988 .
5 Its use perhaps reached maximum interest in the 1970s but has declined as the move for MCE has developed .
6 He has talked about TECs and has risen three times to intervene , but has declined to give the Government an ounce of credit for having established the TECs and for having taken that most imaginative step .
7 Cochrane , who will be assisted by former youth team manager Alan Skelton , returned from a spell coaching abroad earlier in the year , but has played in the Northern League for Billingham Synthonia .
8 Robinson , 38 , who began his West career as a winger 20 years ago but has played mostly as a back row forward , will also play for Darlington next season .
9 The Dutch parliament has recently decided that owners of contaminated sites should aim to clean them up to a level that is suitable for any use , but has accepted that where such a policy is uneconomic , it would be sufficient to isolate , control and monitor the land .
10 ‘ I think he was sceptical about our story but has accepted that it would be a waste of time trying to make anything out of it now . ’
11 Dennis McNamee has resigned as secretary after three years but has accepted the post of president .
12 Neither has the polarity between Male and Female which we so take for granted ever been based on rock-solid foundations , but has depended on a variety of shifting meanings .
13 Whether she has yet reached the glorious state of fully-fledged butterfly remains a matter of interesting debate , but one thing is certain : each stage of transition has not only affected her personally , but has sent repercussions throughout the Royal Family and , most specifically , has completely changed the tenor of her marriage .
14 The 30-year-old Middlesbrough keeper plays against Brighton today but has withdrawn from England 's B international against Czechoslavakia .
15 Many more recent innovations in costume have led to today 's all-over leotard and tights which has not only given dancers complete freedom of movement but has given choreographers freedom to design as they will without constricting rules and conventions .
16 And God will not only listen to our insignificant prayers , but has given us his Spirit to enable us to pray and to share with us in that most demanding task .
17 Taiwan banned rhino horn imports in 1985 but has given traditional medicine shops until 1994 to sell existing stocks [ see ED 65 ] .
18 The fashion for exotic locations thrived during the early sixties , but has diminished as economic realism and improvements in studio techniques have respectively discouraged the wilder flights of fancy and provided generally acceptable substitutes .
19 Recently re-appointed vice-chairman of the Teesside Development Corporation , he still does exercises each day but has stopped bike riding ‘ after nearly getting killed a couple of times in London . ’
20 The Prime Minister has announced that Britain could provide air cover for the proposed land corridor for relief supplies , but has ruled out deploying any land troops .
21 The hotel has no private parking space but has arranged concessionary access to a municipal multi-storey car park nearby off Southgate Street .
22 The significant point is that the LDDC has intervened to help out developers of retail , housing and office projects , but has done little for existing local firms and businesses .
23 The smack has suppressed the wetting behaviour but has done so by suppressing one of the antecedents that led up to it , namely , an approach by Katy to her father .
24 Suppliers margins have therefore come under pressure but has positioned itself to face up to this ongoing challenge .
25 Syria has reinforced its troops facing the Christian enclave where Gen Aoun is entrenched , but has said it plans no immediate attack .
26 Russia has welcomed the Korean contribution of experts , equipment and funds to finance the survey , expected to cost US$400,000 , but has said it will have to continue dumping because it lacks the facilities or funds to process the waste on shore .
27 James Hann , Scottish Nuclear 's chairman has made it clear he wants to continue buying fuel from BNF but has said he is prepared to look abroad if he ca n't obtain a reasonable price .
28 Francis retired from racing but has built a new career as a best selling thriller writer .
29 Permission for the scheme on the site of the former Birchwood Hotel was granted by Colchester council but has lapsed .
30 At the Chiswick Family Rescue in West London — a centre that almost closed but has survived thanks to the donations of Mirror Woman readers — she heard how abused women had sought and found sanctuary .
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