Example sentences of "but which [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Pound , following a polemical strategy which served him well in the short run ( but which later back-fired ) deliberately provoked the academic classicists of his day ; and his use of his sources , classical and other , was always both hasty and high-handed .
2 We all know the story of the two beautiful swans who brought forth what was regarded as an ugly duckling but which later surprised everyone by turning into a swan itself .
3 During the seven months he spent there he wrote two songs , Non m'ama più and Lamento d'amore , which he had difficulty in publishing at the time , but which later became popular .
4 There is also a third form of competition , one which comes neither from the academy , nor from the laity , one by which we are all influenced but which rarely receives the attention it deserves : novelists , journalists , film-makers and dramatists are , at least in part , also professional students of the social world .
5 Instead what we have before us is a German triumph that could not have happened without Gorbachev and Walesa , a triumph that was not planned and which is in many ways an accident , but which nevertheless has come about because both West and East Germans have seized the moment of national opportunity .
6 That is a very complex matter indeed , not easily reduced to a clear-cut issue , but which nevertheless can be separated quite clearly from all other aspects of human behaviour .
7 Still , there is an alternative tradition in Western thought , one which has never become ‘ official ’ but which nevertheless arises spontaneously from experience .
8 Acknowledging that ageism , family discord and psychopathology all play their part in abuse , it is situational stress which is probably the most significant factor in those many episodes which fall short of systematic and gross abuse but which nevertheless cause great distress and suffering .
9 But the approach is not adequate by itself : on the one hand , not all of the functions which government consciously decides to perform are public ; and on the other hand , there may well be functions performed by non-governmental bodies which have not attracted government attention , encouragement or participation but which nevertheless are of public importance .
10 It follows that a society which had removed capitalism , but which nevertheless sought to retain the benefits of science and the flexibility of money , would still be faced with the problems of these intrinsic contradictions of modern life .
11 The first , I believe , is a case where the Court guessed , but guessed incorrectly , at the parliamentary intention and so construed the Act in a way which accomplished a most desirable social purpose but which nevertheless contradicted the clear and unequivocal terms in which it was expressed .
12 Abruptly she turned away from him and walked into the apartment 's lounge , not consciously knowing why she did so , but driven by a need to get away from this man and the harshness of his condemnation , which should n't matter to her , because he did n't matter , but which nevertheless called up a churning confusion of resentment and frustration , as well as a new , unnerving hurt .
13 The Finance Minister Crispus Kiyonga on July 3 , 1989 , presented a budget for 1989/90 ( the fiscal year starting on July 1 , 1989 ) which he said was aimed at strengthening the balance of payments and at reducing inflation , but which nevertheless would provide for a 40 per cent salary increase for civil servants .
14 Parents , too , particularly when their freedom to choose and change their children 's school is a central tenet of the organization of post-1980 education , will feel less difficulty in understanding a school which is an effective competitor but which nevertheless co-operates with others for the sake of ensuring a wider curriculum .
15 The first , and rather obvious , point of criticism is that by concentrating on capital-labour relations and movements of capital these authors have largely neglected other kinds of relations ( such as those of gender and race ) which have dynamics which are relatively separate from those of class but which nevertheless combine with those of class in highly complex ways .
16 To specify modules which must be locked against modification without agreement or being set to hard copy , but which nevertheless do not need to be transferred as part of the package , another tight coupling relationship must be used :
17 To economize on cash holdings ( which earn no interest ) , financial institutions hold other highly liquid assets which act as reserves , but which nevertheless earn them some interest ( see pages 658–60 ) .
18 By contrast , the Historia Brittonum claims only a ten-year reign for Penda , dating it evidently from the battle of Cogwy ( ch. 65 ) — Bede 's Maserfelth , which Bede dates to 642 but which again may need to be emended ( in accordance with any adjustment of Bede 's other Northumbrian dates ) to 643 ( HE 111 , 9 : V , 24 ) .
19 There are many places which once were considerably advantaged economically due to the presence of an industry such as textiles , mining or in-shore fishing , but which today are greatly disadvantaged compared with certain other areas , at any given moment of time .
20 And a short way off the main road leading from Saint-Jean to Saint-Palais , past Ostabat , where the pilgrim routes long ago converged but which today is nothing , is the hamlet — it is hardly even that — of Harambels .
21 All report a passionate directness of response that they attribute to the setting and the pathology of the patients , but which probably has as much to do with social class .
22 The immediate result was the short love poem which he later revised and expanded as ‘ The Eolian Harp ’ , but which even in its original form showed him speaking in a manner now distinctively his own .
23 A simple mis-keying of a complex formula can produce errors that are hard to spot but which subtly change the balance and so disrupt the model 's accuracy .
24 If this is so , the legal model of the company as so far described needs to be rejected in favour of one which does not explain the rules of company law exclusively in terms of the rights of owners , but which instead regards members and employees as joint stakeholders , each with legitimate demands that the company be run for their benefit .
25 Claiming that he is not ‘ presenting any idyllic picture of the rural parish ’ , Eliot takes as his ‘ norm , the ideal of a small and mostly self-contained group attached to the soil … with a kind of unity which may be designed , but which also has to grow through generations ’ .
26 It is just this which allows subversive potential to parodic repetition but which also means that the parody will typically be inflected with the ambivalence I have described and , partly because of that ambivalence , oscillate between the political and the anarchic .
27 It is a history which quite quickly produces that excess of difference which discredits the theory which ignored it but which also questions the theoretically facile celebration of difference per se .
28 Rather , it is the case that people with a fairly strong religious tradition may react to crises by turning back to the traditional patterns of belief which not only made sense of their individual predicaments but which also created a strong sense of communal solidarity .
29 Crofting made its impact when we moved house from one of the quiet streets , in the middle of the town , to the road which was planned by a wealthy proprietor as an elegant tree-lined approach to Lews Castle , but which also happened to be the shortest route between a dozen crofting villages , lying to the east of the town , and their 19,000 acres of general common pasture which lay to the west .
30 There are a number of different groupings , which may be included under the rubric of social movement : neighbourhood councils , which include the gamut of barrio and community organisations aimed at solving problems of urban facilities and also those that are concerned with living standards , particularly in the form of rising prices of food , transport and other necessities ; women 's movements , which have become particularly prominant in Grenada and Nicaragua , but which also exist in more localised forms in other countries ; human rights groups , which have become so well-known on a national scale in Argentina , but are also active at neighbourhood level as for example in São Paulo , where one was formed in 1978 in the barrio of São Miguel after one of the inhabitants was victimised by police brutality ( Singer 1982 ) ; CEBs , as described in Chapter 4 , are spreading now throughout the continent ; regional movements have emerged in countries where the interests of one region have been subordinated to those of other areas as in Peru ; and political protest groups , which in the extreme become guerrilla groups , such as Sendero Luminoso in Peru .
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