Example sentences of "but this is " in BNC.

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1 But this is not tax-effective and ACET will not benefit from the additional 33.3% increase in value .
2 Of course , a theorist may damage an argument through bias , perhaps excluding relevant evidence inconvenient to the case being made ; but this is not a danger exclusive to theorists .
3 ‘ Making Their Mark ’ could equally well have been called a mixed exhibition ; but this is a term more often used for a show put on by an exhibiting society , that type of artists ' organisation whose importance in Europe was created by the middle classes , who sought in the eighteenth century to buy pictures rather than give commissions , as aristocratic patrons had been accustomed to do .
4 There is one sort of Chinese perspective , seen as in the West from a level viewpoint , but this is only one of three treatments of space representation .
5 But this is only one aspect of the bifurcation he describes .
6 Outcomes are uncertain , games of chance can be rigged — but this is not what we are conscious of in reading about Ursula .
7 It 's often thought that previous attempts have failed because there are n't enough well-trained classical actors in the USA to make such a repertory company feasible , but this is increasingly not the case : American drama students are eager to train in the UK , and the percentage of successful auditions held is relatively high .
8 But this is worshipful society ,
9 The jokes and the conversations end abruptly with ‘ But this is worshipful society ’ and at that point he shows his real toughness and ambition .
10 Lager yeast should be used but this is not always the case .
11 But this is n't a — what-did-you-call-it ? — holiday of obliging .
12 I do n't know how to approach this , but this is me , Sarah , your pathetically vile big sister , not able to find the words , but hoping you can see what I 'm trying to do — what I 'm trying to say — and please , please believe me when I say that I 'm not trying to run away from what I 've done , but if I could change somehow — obliterate — one thing I 've done in my life , one truly awful thing that I have done , it would be this .
13 A minimum safe speed for most gliders is the minimum cruising speed , but this is only safe at height , where there is time for recovery if a stall occurs .
14 They are often told that gross over-ruddering is needed to spin , but this is not the case .
15 But this is turning into grand opera , dear , rehearsals at La Scala for Götterdämmerung …
16 But this is n't — hell , it is n't in love .
17 It is often said that penalties automatically follow when blood appears following a facial attack , but this is an over-simplification .
18 But this is not the only way to deal with an attack .
19 Surprisingly , some people think it is possible to score simply by sweeping the opponent , but this is not the case .
20 Some broken bones have no more than a hairline crack in them , but this is enough to cause your withdrawal from competition , regardless of the stage you are at .
21 But this is part of the witness he bears ; celebrating love and sex and intimacy .
22 It is similarly tempting to think of the colour image as hovering in the background , somehow anticipated by the mind ; but this is a metaphor , for the image either is or is not in consciousness .
23 But this is the very ability for which we are trying to account .
24 But this is just what the physicalist can not allow .
25 But this is a fairly repugnant conclusion to most of us .
26 But this is where it 's supposed to be .
27 But this is not possible because it is necessary to approach each of these aspects differently to get the required results .
28 It takes a bit of practice , but this is a useful technique to master .
29 At one time , painting the inside of cold water cisterns with bituminous paint was the answer when it had corroded , but this is no longer recommended .
30 But this is what it comes down to .
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