Example sentences of "but had been " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Yardley 's was a plain sponge , but had been lacily covered with swirls and dollops and curlicues of golden buttercream icing dotted with candied violets .
2 I pointed out that I had not been to the polytechnic , but had been to Durham University on a scholarship — only the second the force had been awarded .
3 A spokeswoman for the Saatchi Collection said the sales did not signal a lessening commitment to the collection , but had been made to finance new acquisitions .
4 It was built in 1803 but had been badly modernised over the years .
5 The banks have been hostile to the plans from the beginning but had been waiting for the right moment to withdraw on commercial rather than political grounds .
6 Mr Richard Aiken , counsel for BBC Enterprises , had told the court that a decision on whether to continue the BBC Europe service should have been made at the end of November but had been deferred until a meeting of the directors on December 29 .
7 It was Grizel Huntley 's own view that her brother had not been fooled at all but had been charmed and diverted by a dashing girl thirty years his junior , and had seen no reason at all why she should not have a share of his considerable estate when that left a very decent down-setting for his niece as well .
8 Dana felt so sick , he went straight back to bed , but had been there only a few seconds before he leapt out with a scream of agony : an autumnal , sleepy wasp had been brought in by the chambermaid among the bedclothes which had been airing at the window and had stung my friend on the bottom !
9 He had been apprenticed to a shoemaker in his teens , but had been interrupted by the War .
10 There was the ubiquitous Triptych , now a four-year-old : she had won only one race in the 1986 season but had been placed in the Coronation Cup ( beaten a short head by Saint Estephe ) , the Coral-Eclipse Stakes , the King George , the Matchmaker International at York ( beaten threequarters of a length by Shardari ) and the Phoenix Champion Stakes ( third to Park Express ) .
11 Silver Buck , now eleven , had won four of his five races during the 1982–3 season but had been beaten in the King George by Wayward Lad , who had not run since and whose participation at Cheltenham had been in doubt until a searching gallop had proved his readiness .
12 He had won the Dewhurst Stakes by six lengths as a two-year-old but had been a 33–1 chance for the Derby in the spring of 1953 until an impressive victory in the Newmarket Stakes brought his odds down to 8–1 .
13 SHe 'd always been able to disassociate ‘ work ’ from pleasure , clients from lovers , but had been worried that the experience of Jahsaxa 's friends mauling hir might have intruded into this objectivity .
14 Dari Sound was also occupied over hurdles but had been out of action since running slightly disappointingly in a two-and-a-half-mile race at Uttoxeter early in December .
15 Flanked by his wife , Jeanne , and Mayor David Dinkins of New York , he said he had kept his illness secret since 1988 to protect his family 's privacy but had been forced to come forward after a press inquiry .
16 It was also discovered that the Poisons Unit at Guys Hospital and a DHSS toxicologist had wanted to visit the area to do tests but had been ‘ warned off ’ .
17 The parents had appealed to the Secretary of State , but had been unsuccessful .
18 He said he wanted to be pleased at this news , but had been unable to confirm whether it was true or not , since Susan had not requested assistance in the boy 's upbringing , nor did she intend to call on him for support .
19 Such a brigade did not exist , but had been dreamed up by Brigadier Dudley Clark , who at the time was in charge of an outfit dealing with deception plans .
20 She had asked if they could have it private , early or late , but had been told they must join the club , for which there was a waiting list and a subscription .
21 The first official post after September 3rd confirmed what we were told might happen , we were no more members of the London County Council staff , but had been taken over by the government and were to be known as part of the Emergency Medical Service .
22 Galileo in a letter to Kepler ( who showed that the orbits must be ellipses , not circles with the foci at the Sun ) admitted that he had been a believer in Copernican theory for years but had been ‘ too timid ’ to say so for fear of ridicule .
23 Two men had escaped the inrush but had been trapped in a long section of roadway ; they had lived together in the pitch dark and freezing cold for about 8 days , until overcome by poisonous gas ; there was no way in which they could have been saved in time had their position been known .
24 Latterly , Elizabeth had married but had been the victim of a cruel and brutal husband , and had retreated to her parents ' home at the post office where she fell ill and later died .
25 He was not a printer himself , but had been with the advertising department of the Jewish Echo for a while .
26 The room they were taken to was bare , panelled and had a stone floor , but had been hastily equipped with stools and benches and tables for the Patriarch 's visit .
27 She had also left some grasses free-flowing , stuck only at the bottom so they could move in the breeze , but had been told this was not strictly according to tradition .
28 The group identified three specific problems : the large number of design and furniture requirements ; the fact that many Woonerven did not meet these requirements ; and that there was no legal regulation for Woonerf-like areas that were not located in residential areas but had been set up in shopping streets ( Winkelerven ) ( Figure 4.9 ) and village centres ( Dorpserven ) .
29 Within a day the vet phoned me with the news that the dog had two intact testicles ( a matter I 'd hardly been musing upon ) and was suffering from a bit of diarrhoea — but had been put on a milk diet which would soon clear it up .
30 The Cossarts were Huguenots but had been living in Ireland for many years .
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