Example sentences of "but it 's " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is nothing I can do , ’ said the King , as she was dragged away , ‘ I can see those in charge , but it 's now in the hands of the Justice people . ’
2 Joseph Noble , the observant administrator , announced to an audience of eight hundred , ‘ It 's famous , but it 's a fraud . ’
3 It is true that some local authorities will not say whether you are eligible or not until a place has been put on offer to you , but it 's still very much worth your while to find out all you can from your local education authority .
4 It is easy to understand this , but it 's not so easy to evaluate the different elements of theatre training , and see just how they contribute to the making of that elusive thing , ‘ a compleat actor ’ .
5 But it 's possible to go way beyond these limited , obvious exercises , and impro can be immensely exciting for young actors , allowing them to grasp situations and emotions imaginatively , perhaps for the first time .
6 But it 's true to say that most actors feel their drama school training has left them inadequately prepared for working in television and film by the time they graduate .
7 But it 's all I ever wanted to do .
8 But it 's no bad thing — we should take the two way traffic of actors and directors more seriously than we do .
9 That part of the package has to be right , but it 's impossible to separate it from the consultation that goes on between the customer and the supplier before the sale is clinched .
10 ‘ I know this is a bit of an unusual hobby for a restaurateur , but it 's a little dream come true for me and I 'm thrilled to bits , ’ he says .
11 But it 's too simplistic to pretend that one way is better than the other because the comparison is n't between like and like .
12 It 's a pretty bizarre film , but it 's not dark or mean spirited in its intentions .
13 Our film is set in Dublin , Ireland , but it 's about the hopes and dreams , music brings to young kids everywhere , from Fingas to Philadelphia and Memphis to Minsk ’ .
14 ‘ It might do some , but it 's a week here with nowhere to go afterwards that 's the real problem . ’
15 ‘ A he — but it 's not what you 're thinking . ’
16 To an extent , this has always been there , but it 's important to raise the issue here because the most unfashionable person to help is often the person who is dying on your own doorstep .
17 You wo n't get your own room or anything but it 's free and probably better than nothing . ’
18 But it 's how I 've survived . ’
19 I mean , I would have gone to London to look for you too , but it 's sometimes easier just to telephone ,
20 The Senate wants to merge us into University College and we 've been told we 'll have to get rid of some of our staff — it may all be very neat and tidy for the bureaucrats , but it 's going to be absolutely disastrous for some people .
21 I know the money 's not brilliant but it 's better than freezing to death on a state pension . ’
22 But it 's well worth it : sweet and juicy with a lovely flavour and large fruits , three or even two to a pound .
23 Not only must you spray regularly , but it 's a good idea to vary the brand of spray that you use ; the nasty wee beasties soon develop resistance if you use the same one over and over again , and that 's something worth taking the time to avoid .
24 Cutting along the side of the hedge with a spade helps check lateral roots , but it 's wiser to grow adjacent plants that tolerate poor , dry soil or shade .
25 But it 's important to remember that most young people do not take drugs .
26 A good diet is essential for everyone but it 's extra important when you are pregnant .
27 ‘ Thank you , ’ said Jay who adored all of them , ‘ I have the Pergolese , but it 's totally worn out . ’
28 You have the substance here but it 's too economic .
29 But it 's true , ’ she said aloud , forcing her eyes to focus on the middle distance .
30 But it 's more solid .
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