Example sentences of "but he would " in BNC.

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1 Ronnie could have done with one himself but he would have got arrested . ’
2 He could — and would - visit a revolution , be it political and national , or merely student ; he would reflect on it , but he would never get ‘ involved ’ in it , be it Cuban , Ethiopian , Greek or Polish .
3 He might read for a while but he would not come downstairs , would not hear anything if she were quiet .
4 Dr Singh said the findings were preliminary , but he would ‘ have no objection to a woman increasing her intake of these nutrients ’ .
5 But he would have preferred Lord Halifax to Churchill as prime minister in 1940 and even in retrospect believed that the country would have fought the war better under Halifax and that the admirals and the generals would have had a less neurotic time .
6 But he would not fight back .
7 As a young man he had been pursued by many women ; that he secretly despised them did not lessen his attractiveness but in later years his large family and increasing years had hung about him with a weight as great as any deformity : but he would never risk exposing himself as Rose had .
8 Rose would call teasingly but he would have gone with a slam of the door .
9 I could have held him tight and told him I was proud of him and that I loved him just for being there , but he would have struggled free .
10 Charlie 's personal idea of bliss is for a long-haired client to walk in an allow him to create one of his more advanced shapes , but he would never impose his styles on an unwilling customer .
11 But he would vote for the official Labour candidate in a parliamentary election .
12 ‘ I was trying to tell him that there are only 300 members of the IRA but he would n't listen , ’ says Hughes .
13 Colin loved the land but he would n't even get out of the van to look at the house . ’
14 But he would n't have a significant force to actually do anything .
15 But he would be moved sideways , rather than demoted .
16 He would still be state president , but he would lose his real power base .
17 If he did nothing more he would still retain his fee simple , but he would have deprived himself of the right to present possession and enjoyment of the land ; his estate would become a future estate , which would again become a present estate , an ‘ estate in possession ’ , only when the smaller estate , the ‘ particular estate ’ which had been carved out of it , came to an end .
18 ‘ That 's what I said to your Dad but he would n't hear of it . ’
19 Small doses of non-sophistication were amusing as a break from other things , but he would n't have been able to bear all that romance day in , day out .
20 ‘ He 's daft but he would n't do this . ’
21 Knowing what they were like for drink I tried to tell him but he would n't listen .
22 This does not mean that Paisley would not be glad of the support ( such as he had in his campaign to ‘ Save Ulster From Sodomy ’ ) of individual Catholics , but he would not work with Catholic organizations or officials of the Catholic Church because that might dilute his separatist witness .
23 As a master of the long line himself , Karajan would probably have endorsed some of Boult 's sentiments ( many of Karajan 's recordings have been put down more or less in a series of single takes ) , but he would also have agreed to an extent with Gould that ‘ good splices ’ can also ‘ build good lines ’ .
24 Siemens offered him a studio exclusively for his own private use and research ; but he would n't take it .
25 Yet he , the archer , might have gone back there to check again after all and if he had he would know I was alive , but he would never find me where I was now , deep in impenetrable shadow along a path he could n't follow in the dark .
26 , What they were asking was impossible , but he would try .
27 Which would make it a crime passionnel , and therefore deserving of compassion ; but he would get none .
28 Before returning to England he was asked to persuade Gladstone to come over for the 1878 Yale ‘ commencement ’ but he would plead in vain .
29 He loathed the boot and complained about it constantly , but he would n't admit defeat .
30 Not that he 'd go , but he would have helped anyone who wanted to .
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