Example sentences of "but for [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 The way I think of the band is kind of like puzzle pieces ; to me the secret of an effective arrangement is not for everyone to push towards the same kind of sound , but for everyone to play something that 's contrasting but interlocking , so that when you listen to the song , all the pieces fall into place around each other .
2 But for everyone , rehabilitation is at least partly a learning process .
3 It was far too dangerous to remain where he was , not only for him but for everyone else as well .
4 The old-age pensioner could not hear it , but for everyone else it continued to throb with the promise of its message , drifting over Dynmouth on the breeze that blew gently from the sea .
5 Rangers ' target instead , the league cup final against Hibs , but for everyone at Ibrox , thoughts of what might have been .
6 ‘ However , ’ he continued smoothly , not giving Rachel a chance to say anything , ‘ if we are to create a harmonious atmosphere , not only for ourselves but for everyone else on this unit , then I think we have to agree not to discuss the past .
7 The agony was in her heart , not just for herself but for everyone , everyone but Fernando Serra .
8 But for everyone there is a better way of expressing yourself at work or in complaining at the garage , for instance .
9 Many oaks provide intense leaf colour but for something more unusual look out for Nyssa sylvatica , the black gum ; Liquidambar styraciflua , the sweet gum , or Parrotia persica , the Persian ironwood .
10 Only in recent years has it been taken over as the civic centre , and the Goose Fair relegated to the outer suburbs ; but for something like a thousand years it was the market place .
11 She 'd found something else in Dane 's strong arms ; he 'd unleashed a longing , a need , not just for physical satisfaction , but for something far , far greater .
12 But for one to mean anything at all ( and so , to think ) , some sentence ( picture or the like ) must serve as it stands — that is , not need an accompanying interpretation .
13 As of now , IBM Corp is offering an anti-virus service to its UK customers : this comprises updates to anti-virus programs four times a year — these provide users with ‘ install-and-forget ’ automatic protection on MS-DOS , OS/2 and Microsoft Corp 's Windows operating systems , and can detect viruses in the memory , on floppy and hard disks ; if viruses are found in the memory , they are disabled , but if found on disks the user is given a recommended course of action on-line ; other services consist of detection tools for any new viruses ; access to an anti-virus bulletin board , from which the latest products and documentation can be downloaded ; phone support desk ; and customer alert service to forewarn of known or threatened virus outbreaks ; prices will be amended on an annual basis , but for one to 250 machines , the service is £1,000 , on 3,001 to 5,000 workstations it is £12,000 .
14 I 'm thrilled — but for one which says I play Joyce Grenfell Jewish !
15 ‘ They 've solved the ulcer problem for nearly everyone , but for one in a hundred it does n't work .
16 Not only for now , but for everything ; all the help you 've always been to me . ’
17 But for everything else I give credit where it is due .
18 I would , before passing on the next part of our programme , I would like to warmly thank Judy and Simon and Richard and Tony , not only for their presentations , their carefully thought out presentations to give us as broad a span as possible of how they see the priorities , what is happening at this time , but for everything else they do in leading their teams and initiating so many of the exchanges that take place , which adds so much , as has been said by , both by Judy and by other speakers , to carry N C V O forward .
19 But she did believe that her revelations had not been bestowed upon her for herself but for everybody .
20 Another crock of gold that had turned out to be precious metal all right ; but for somebody else .
21 But there are sometimes , erm , Anthems that are , not just for one Nation , but for lots of Nations .
22 My relationship with the director is therefore rather different from most producers ; I am looking not for someone to watch and admire but for someone who can deliver the result .
23 For most players it will be an uphill struggle but for someone , it will represent the summit of his career .
24 For a person who 's dedicated it must be a very rewarding job , but for someone who only comes here to work it must be blooming hard .
25 Yet , among its symptoms listed by Marx in his description of alienation , one — the fact that the work is not done for the worker but for someone else , that ‘ in his work he does not belong to himself but to another person … .
26 But for someone ?
27 But for anyone who does a lot of travelling by car or lorry , simply reducing the amount of travelling can significantly lessen exposure to exhaust fumes .
28 But for anyone contemplating a similar project , it was no more difficult than many domestic-type woodworking exercises , and well worth the trouble . ,
29 Admittedly , it is an album by an enthusiast for mid-'70s Rolling Stones records and will offer nothing to people who have never felt the sexual tug of an overly-loud Chuck Berry riff , but for anyone else , it is top rock and to be cherished .
30 It was a prosperous community : going to America was a big step to take , and one that would not be taken by people with prospects at the top of English society unless they were going out to fill a government post , but for anyone else it was likely to lead to a higher standard of living than could reasonably be expected in Britain .
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