Example sentences of "she out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 When the plan was mooted , Ms Collins is said to have retorted , ‘ Is she out of her mind ?
2 Klein 's Bastard Boy was out of her life , and she out of his .
3 Dear God , was she out of her mind ?
4 And she was to , she took over the Queen when she out of the country !
5 Terrible is she out of hospital now and that ?
6 Less than two hours later , a city-centre taxi let her out under the lighted awning of the hotel by the park .
7 The next thing she knew James Halden was carrying her out through the yard in strong , muscular arms .
8 We trotted down the long flights of stairs and I followed her out through the front door .
9 She led her out through the door .
10 ‘ Take the cases ! ’ said Damian bitingly , his hand gripping Rachel 's arm and marching her out through the sliding doors to the limousine .
11 But , leaving her for a brief while , he went to instruct Ivo to drive her back to her hotel , and then escorted her out through the front door .
12 She could never ignore them as she passed them on the street , and they , as if they sensed it , turned to her , picking her out at once from a throng of a hundred other pedestrians as the one who saw and heard them .
13 When she returned Joyce Babcock sought her out at once .
14 Images flickered across the disordered screen of her mind — Rune provocatively , dominantly angry at their first meeting ; Rune , eyes shuttered , playing ‘ her ’ song ; Rune , mouth tender , eyes laughing as he had watched the children playing at the funfair in Tivoli ; Rune , seeking her out at her hotel , deliberately drawing her into his life ; Rune , his blond head bent , handling her damaged foot with such tenderness ; Rune …
15 In fact , I could n't work her out at all .
16 Well Laura and Gemma wanted to make these pasties and she 'd asked me at the weekend and I did n't have the time because I think Irene came down cos I asked Irene whether she 'd looked after , you know I 'm at college until three , and she said yeah I 'll pick them up and er I could n't get her out at then so I promised she could make them so , I said alright you and Gemma make them , anyway they did very well they made them in about fifteen minutes because we had to go and get Emily at four from school , I said hurry up , hurry up put the water in Emily quick stick them together shove them now and put them in the oven
17 All magicians can be tested by laughter because corruption can not stand mockery ; and when his daughter laughed at him he drove her out into the wilderness , and she lived in the wilderness with the wild beasts and angels ministered to her .
18 I suppose , technically speaking , ’ he paused , ‘ if you put her out into the road she would have no roof over her head and we should have to take her in . ’
19 What I 'm saying is that he would n't have taken her out into the woods .
20 ‘ Then they said they would need the cubicle and wheeled her out into the corridor opposite a phone . ’
21 He took Anne 's arm and dragged her out into the hallway , towards the stairs .
22 He led her out into the huge marble-floored foyer .
23 You took her out into the road and … uh … battered her fatally .
24 When there came , in the distance , the sound of another bell ringing , the girl from the next cubicle actually came in and tugged her out into the room , whispering , ‘ You 've got to line up ! ’
25 " No , it 's his son , " said Walter , shepherding her out into the street .
26 It was a nice yarn of respectable girl from despicable family , married to a stuffed shirt who would cast her out into the snow if a breath of suspicion fell on his name .
27 He shouts her out into the street for a harlot .
28 He escorted her out into the street , held the car door open for her , leaning in the window as she started the engine , exhorting caution .
29 With a curt nod he beckoned the waiter , settled the bill , ushered her out into the silky darkness .
30 And he keeps shooing her out into the cold hard world . ’
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