Example sentences of "she must [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She must finally have become bored with school .
2 Similarly , in Jefferson v Cape Insulation Ltd ( 3 December 1981 ) Farquharson J awarded substantial damages to a woman who knew she must soon die of mesothelioma for her evident distress in being parted from her family : per Farquharson J : I have also to bear in mind … that the major misery this woman is going to sustain is not the pain , serious and terrible as that is , but the prospect which must be continually in her mind of being parted from her family , and particularly her youngest child .
3 Because her expectations were realistic , she accepts without rancour the fact that she must either do the work herself or employ someone to do it for her .
4 She had the feeling she must either give in to that showy and heady beatification or run for her life .
5 If a woman is to be taken seriously she must either be past the menopause or very plain , preferably both .
6 As he watched his gifted little daughter sobbing her heart out prior to taking the tee in the Girls ' Championship at Leven in 1975 , he told her that she must either play without fuss or stop playing altogether .
7 She must instinctively have replaced it while her mind was on other things .
8 But , she determined then , at some time she must most definitely find some space in which to tackle the issue with him .
9 Afterwards she thought that , of course she must already have formulated the plan somewhere at the back of her mind ; but at the time it burst upon her with all the excitement of a vision .
10 She hardly knew what she was saying ; only knew that she must somehow rouse him to movement .
11 The more she thought about it , the more clearly she saw that she must somehow get a warning to Tristram .
12 She must surely be the most beautiful woman in the whole world .
13 Rapidly , she outlined her plan , stressing the ease of it all and the perfect opportunity it represented to right what she must surely agree was a manifest wrong .
14 Mary of Guise 's name nowhere appears , but she must surely have been involved .
15 Lili looked calm and showed no sign of the guilt she must surely have felt had Robert meant his words as an accusation against her .
16 She 'd done nothing but run from Dane from the very start ; even now , when she was here in Sheffield with him , she was still running , still afraid of the heartache she must surely face if she allowed the relationship to deepen .
17 She must also change , bathe , feed , exercise , occupy , entertain and shave him .
18 She must also have been quite a handful judging by Coward 's ironic telegram to a Broadway manager requesting 58 per cent of the gross for the task of restraining her from being ‘ Grock , Beatrice Lillie , Theda Bara , Mary Pickford and Bert Lahr all at once . ’
19 She must also become more efficient herself in the use of the time available .
20 She must also show the relationships of such a scale to the claims for detachment made within particular cultural conventions .
21 However , she must also have been thinking of Annabelle ( bride 's name ) when she added , ‘ She was of course only too good for him : but as nobody minds what is too good for them , he was very steadily earnest in pursuit of the blessing . ’
22 If Saint Winifred did indeed conceive and decree her departure with the wagon for Ramsey , and if a saint 's plans can not be disrupted by man , then surely she must also have willed all that happened after … the ambush by outlaws , the theft of the cart and team , the abandonment of the load , and with it , her reliquary , to be found by my tenants , and brought to me here .
23 She must also have had good sources of information , as she was said to know all the gossip of the village .
24 He or she must also make any capital contribution , which is normally payable forthwith , and pay the first instalment of any contribution from income , so that the whole sum will be paid off within 12 months .
25 She must persuade him of her good intentions — for it had never crossed her mind that she would not repay him — but she must also try to convince him of the seriousness of her situation and persuade him to grant her a bit of leeway .
26 She must also be a very tolerant and understanding person .
27 However , she realised that these matters would just have to take their course , although she must also remember she did n't have unlimited time at her disposal , because her father would be expecting her back at the office .
28 She must just have got off , and she was probably watching me from somewhere high above the distant sea .
29 It had happened before , she must just plot the next square like painting by numbers .
30 She must simply forget him .
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