Example sentences of "she could [adv] " in BNC.

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1 She could easily have noble blood , she looked the sort .
2 She could easily have slapped her for that remark , which was silly really , but nonetheless that was how she felt .
3 Joyce Barker has had a long association with Trinity Mill and recalls that the gearing was so light and precise that , even as a child of five , she could easily control the milling process and the sack hoist !
4 Luca Giordano , Elisa went on , thinking that she had placed her hosts at a disadvantage , was a particular favourite of hers and she could easily see why he was regarded as one of Naples ' finest painters .
5 This led to the development officer having to assume such a role herself , and occasionally this involved her in more work than she felt she could easily provide .
6 Having experienced the regression , she could easily understand that such a distressing early occurrence could be the cause of the phobia which followed .
7 So far as she could recall , she had seen no reviews but then , of course , she knew she could easily have missed them in the interstices of choosing wallpaper , driving down to Hillmarden , overseeing decorators , interviewing nannies , buying a layette and all the hundred and one other things with which she was continually being confronted .
8 And , dressed in cowboy boots , tight jeans and a black T-shirt , she could easily pass for someone half her age .
9 Now obviously Elizabeth Taylor can demand her own terms — she 's one of the biggest stars in the world and she could easily have been a prima donna .
10 If she was n't hungry enough to be interested in food , she could easily have flown off .
11 She could easily have given me the push after her dad died , and taken on somebody … well , more presentable , like . ’
12 She could easily have wept as messily and uselessly as Monica .
13 It had stopped raining , and she could easily have walked ; but she let Ben drive her , slowly , talking about Jake all the way .
14 At the top of a wave she could easily see across the Longstone rock to the other side .
15 I explained that in case of emergency she could easily touch the ground with her feet and , so encouraged , she came out with me to learn .
16 He drove so smoothly and the tyres hummed so pleasantly on the tarred road that she knew she could easily have slept .
17 At least I did not recognize her ; but then she was such a shrinking , washed-out-creature — when later I had lunch with one of Eliot 's former doctors he described her as ‘ an ugly little thing ’ , which was rather unkind and hardly accurate — that she could easily have escaped notice .
18 If only conventions were not so rigid she could easily have had him for a lodger .
19 Why go to all the trouble of providing her with information about Rainald , which she could easily have related to fitzAlan ?
20 If she had n't been looking out for the signpost , she could easily have driven past without even realising it was there .
21 Sometimes , when she looked at her like that , it seemed to Emmie that she could easily forget what Gran was like when she was well — how she had looked , sitting in the kitchen all last winter , rocking in her old chair and telling them stories and teaching Oliver games to play with her darning eggs .
22 But if she 'd wanted to she could easily have told him something that would have stopped him dead in his tracks .
23 She could easily recall his smell too , as if he were in her arms at this very moment — an expensive cologne warmly melded with his very own Mediterranean muskiness .
24 She could easily see the broadness of his shoulders underneath a tailored white sports shirt .
25 That was the thrush ( ‘ he sings each song twice over ’ ) and she could also recognise the thoughtful song of the robin , a loner like herself , the virtuoso blackbird ( why had so few poems been written in praise of him ? ) and the starling , with its one sweet note on a flute .
26 She could also write down if she has any problems with any of these goals , or any spectacular successes ( like a new recipe or a new idea for places to shop for food ) .
27 Theoretically she could also have told Fiona on the telephone who could have told Nolan or Lewis , but it was n't the sort of item one would naturally bother to pass on .
28 She could also say something about taxation on her own personal income . ’
29 She could also have told this was Tina 's mother before Mrs Darne went off down the passage that led to the Headmaster 's Flat .
30 Sherman agreed , on condition that she could also use the clothes in her personal work .
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