Example sentences of "she [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Maggie now beckoned him towards her , and some what reluctantly he followed her along a short passage and into a long sun-lit kitchen , where a woman was standing at a wooden table mixing some ingredients in a bowl .
2 He led her along a cold flagged corridor now , where the walls gleamed faintly with phosphorescence , and where , although wall sconces flared bravely , the light was greenish and lack-lustre , so that it was rather like walking under water .
3 Eventually he paused to lead her along a side-track where the hanging vines reached out to cling about them .
4 And , having decided upon that fact , he took her arm and led her along a track she had not previously explored .
5 The charges allege that on various occasions over the 14 months to August last year at the home , she assaulted one woman by throwing her from her bed on to a chair then a commode , putting her in a bath against her will and pulling her along a corridor , and of assaulting the second woman in a similar manner by throwing her from her bed on to a wheelchair and then a commode , dragging her across a room and tying her to a chair .
6 She had no problem in finding the turning which led her along an unadopted road for half a mile before she drove through open gates up a steeply ascending drive past lawns on several different levels until she finally reached a gravelled circle in front of Penry 's house .
7 Robyn thought , remembering the way she had flung herself out of the house , the agony of driving home , the touch and taste of him haunting her down every mile of motorway … the floods of tears …
8 They followed her down a narrow passage and into the sunshine beyond .
9 Sister and her nurse had calmed her down a little and found out that the child 's father had deserted them , and she had taken up with another man .
10 Susan followed her down a short , dark passage and into the second sitting-room , which , ugly and over-full as it was , looked comparatively cheerful with its blazing fire .
11 And that , er it was kind of and the garden was small cos we had it , a quite big garden and you know things like that , I think , and the travelling and everything I think got her down a bit , I know she sat down and had a cry , yeah .
12 The village boys had caught the cassowary that morning , coming on her suddenly in the bush and chasing her down a long slope .
13 Even through her glove , she could feel his warmth and he guided her down a step or two and then , at the last moment , let her go in order to put both hands at her waist and swing her down .
14 Accordingly he disappeared into the upward-travelling lift , while she waited for one to take her down a floor where a corridor linked this building to the next one , in which the twenty-four-hour blood bank was located .
15 Silas appeared to be deep in thought , while Lucy sat wrapped in a gloom which sent her down a dark tunnel to the depths of depression .
16 His hand beneath her elbow , Michele directed her down a short flight of steps to a central sunken garden where Neptune , brandishing a trident , guarded a splashing fountain .
17 He led her down a row , then came to a halt .
18 For one thing I I do n't think that the next generation of parents are going to stand it because with the , cos I told you what , what I said Neil about erm when er when he was a father I said if you had a pretty fifteen year old daughter would you want to have some rough oaf taking her down a back alley and screwing her ?
19 As she approached County Hall on New Street , she was grabbed from behind by a man who dragged her down an alley .
20 He tried to prolong the date , leading her down the streets of the old part of town and then uphill to the courtyard of an old cloister , teeming with tourists .
21 ‘ If you want my advice , lovie , you 'll pop her down the Town Hall and find her a decent coat to wear .
22 Wilcox led her down the broad central aisle , with occasional detours to left and right to point out some particular operation .
23 To push her down the cliff ?
24 Groom ( if much more than ten years older than bride ) can look a bit of a Lothario as he escorts her down the aisle .
25 Instead , he half lifted her down the rest of the stairs meaning to frogmarch her towards the door that led to the yard .
26 He followed her down the hall to the kitchen at the back of the house .
27 and you go with her down the unlit hall
28 He took Ellie by her forearm , and marched her down the landing and the painted uncarpeted stairs into the living room , where he sat her in the big chair in the corner .
29 Your mom 's gone and thrown her down the incinerator .
30 His instinct was to lift her up and carry her down the hillside to the village .
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