Example sentences of "she [was/were] take " in BNC.

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1 At one point Eva turned and gesticulated towards me , as if she were taking him to task for something he 'd done to me .
2 She had mastered Eddie 's cycle and came around the corner as though she were taking part in one of the bicycle races which had recently become such a popular spectator sport .
3 She were taken bad afore Christmas and she 's slow to mend .
4 ‘ Because , ’ he replied , in his slower west-country burr , staring straight at the coroner , ‘ she were took up doin' zummat else . ’
5 They had left her at school as long as they could , because they did n't know what to do with her ; but now she was to take this course and later get a job on a newspaper .
6 Maggie was going to a dance and she was taking Mona and Sheila .
7 But now , much worse than that , she was taking up writing .
8 It was n't only Simon she pushed over the edge : in that defiant , violent act she was taking revenge on all those people who had ever hurt her and made her feel worthless .
9 She knew nothing of her condition ; the Colonel slipped the pills she had been prescribed into her hot drink at night , and she was unaware that she was taking medication .
10 Just as she was taking soup from the tureen and pouring it into her soup-plate the Hulsbys passed her table .
11 She was taking a year out before specialising .
12 She was taking a secretarial course , and I was able to tell her about the importance of that work in hospital .
13 She had tried everything , including osteopaths , chiropractors , physiotherapy , traction and , finally , pain-killers which she was taking four times a day , every day .
14 I told you she was taking classes , did n't I ? ’
15 She was taking in canvas .
16 She hated watching sport normally , but Jack guessed that she was taking none of it in .
17 She knew she was taking a risk .
18 I said I had to piss , but I ran out of the house and walked around the streets wondering what the fuck to do and trying to imagine what Dad was saying to Mum and how she was taking it .
19 She was taking it for granted that he knew who she was ; but then anyone who had read the papers must know that .
20 The job was n't arduous , but she knew that gradually she was taking on much more than the advertisement had suggested and she sensed that the main anxiety of their life was whether she would stay .
21 Her life felt empty and meaningless and she was taking anti-depressants .
22 She sought oblivion , and one tablet a night quickly escalated to two , then three , then a couple in the morning , then four , until eventually she was taking them like sweeties .
23 She was taking the eight-to eleven-year-olds .
24 Sometimes it plunged into the depths of the sea , indicating she was taking a command to the sea-gods from ZEUS ; at other times a blessing from HERA would take the multi-hued arch directly to the door of a worthy mortal family .
25 The line she was taking was not proper for a Hearing , he said .
26 She added the last phrase as if suddenly aware that she was taking no undue interest in her children 's fate .
27 In practice , she was taking my mother 's place in the home and spent most of her time fulfilling the role of unpaid housekeeper .
28 Peter Horbury , 55 , told Cardiff Crown Court : ‘ She was taking Daniel away .
29 They said she was fond of visiting the countryside and coast and appealed for property owners to check outbuildings in case she was taking refuge from January 's cold weather .
30 She was taking off her hat and coat as she spoke ; then going over to her aunt , she bent down and kissed her on the cheek , and followed this with the same salutation for her uncle ; and in response he patted her on the shoulder .
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