Example sentences of "she [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Sergeant Joe , Mum says as yer did n't let 'er treat yer earlier , would yer like a cup of tea and a slice of cake now ? ’
2 ‘ Your father 'll never let 'er wear 'em , ’ said Annie .
3 erm And if you look at the second line , and begin three words in , it says ‘ the mistress , ’ the mistress is abbreviated , ‘ answers her man can not work , nor can she spare him till she be paid for what her husband did for the King 's soldiers ’ .
4 ‘ Did n't she affect your emotions ?
5 Why did n't she throw her own ?
6 Fergus felt a surge of real anger now , because how dare she treat him as an inferior , how dare she speak to him as if he was no more than one of her serfs , a possession , a pawn , a thing .
7 Why could n't she treat him with the same cool indifference as he showed her ?
8 How would she treat me ?
9 Emily swallowed hard , how could she lower her pride so far as to approach the girl she had been so scornful of ?
10 ‘ In the event of such a development does she think her position would be unassailable ? ’ he asked — echoing the Prime Minister 's earlier comment that Mr Lawson 's position was ‘ unassailable ’ .
11 ‘ Does she think her friend 's still alive ? ’ said Lee .
12 Did she think her father would bid for him , if he promised to pay Stanley back ?
13 Does she think me so stupid that I do n't know they do that ?
14 What kind of statement did she think she made ?
15 But just as quickly she remembered herself , barely thirteen , standing up in class and saying she did n't think the Catholic Church was fair and the nun , red in the face , asking who did she think she was to question the Pope 's teaching .
16 Who does she think she is ?
17 If a girl at school was very confident , we would just think she was really ‘ extra ’ — who does she think she is ?
18 Who does she think she is ? ’
19 ‘ Who does she think she is ?
20 When she read those magazines , did she think she 'd ever be part of that world ?
21 Nor did she think she could hide anything from this man with the golden eyes .
22 Where does she think she gets off , asking questions like that ?
23 Nor did she think she would ever have the courage to find out .
24 She was n't naïve enough to think he was in love with her ; nor did she think she was in love with him — or not very much — but the thought of that strong body and craggy face , of grey eyes that could be either icily remote or filled with humour , made her tremble .
25 Where else does she think she 'll find a nice Jewish boy to marry now ? ’ )
26 Who does she think she is ?
27 And where exactly did she think she was running to ?
28 If she was this tired , how did she think she 'd be able to survive Maritza on the following night , and Luxembourg next week ?
29 What on earth did she think she was doing , sitting out here on her balcony in the middle of the night ?
30 Nor , when their parents had already helped them more than enough with furniture and carpets and the like when they had first moved in , did she think she could take any more from them .
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