Example sentences of "she [vb past] why " in BNC.

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1 Then she realised why the meeting had dragged on , when the matter under discussion could have been finalised in ten minutes : it was the morning 's work .
2 She said nothing more and Jenna sat down to her breakfast , but as she glanced across at Marguerite , who was busy at the cooker , she saw tears standing in the dark eyes and guilt rushed over her as she realised why .
3 The stench grew worse , making her gag , but it was not until Isabel was standing over the motionless form that she realised why .
4 Her voice rose , as she thought she realised why he had kissed her earlier .
5 When he called them and turned smiling to her she realized why he had said it was a certainty .
6 It was only when she sat down that she realized why there were several spaces : her section of the carriage contained a group of unruly Italian teenagers who were obviously well beyond the control of the two middle-aged nuns accompanying them .
7 She asked why Blanche did not like my book and I kindly suggested that perhaps it was the woman being scarred from a motor accident which she did n't like ( it was the book itself ) .
8 Mary must have noticed my changed mood because she asked why I was so miserable .
9 She asked why I had said nothing about that accident on the bypass , or seeing Old Red and General Francis on my holiday .
10 She asked why women 's labour should be worth less than that of men .
11 Then she asked why I was laughing again , and I said that that was n't what had happened , and she looked angry , and I had a shower .
12 The tray did n't fit very well , she noticed , and when she lifted it out she discovered why .
13 When she heard why she was missing , Di immediately agreed to meet Tessa when her official visit was over .
14 She puzzled why she was bitchy .
15 She questioned why , since our meeting this time , there had been a barrier of reserve .
16 This time she knew why , seeing on the top of the wave , the movement of the man and paddles .
17 She had known Sam all her life and though he was a worthy and hard-working man , she knew why she had held back from agreeing to marry him .
18 She knew why Bodie was here .
19 She knew why he had come and what he would tell her , and she did n't want to hear it .
20 Now she knew why sailors saluted the quarterdeck .
21 Now she knew why people acted like they did .
22 Carrie had seen the accountant 's bill for the previous year 's work and she knew why he never complained .
23 She had a sneaking suspicion that she knew why the men had not given up their seats .
24 She knew why .
25 His silence frightened Carrie and she knew why , suddenly .
26 She knew why he had come before he knocked on her door .
27 She had set much store by retaining or restoring her relations with these men , and thought she knew why .
28 Of course she knew why she had been so anxious to come ; there must be some , perhaps many , people here who could tell her about S. Kettering .
29 But then she knew why , did n't she ?
30 Sometime she felt so fond of him that she inclined to a belief in reincarnation , feeling that they must once have been twins : she understood him far too well for her peace of mind , and she knew why her brothers detested him ; apart from the fact that they were racists , they were baffled by his charm and his after-shave .
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