Example sentences of "she [vb base] like " in BNC.

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1 What she look like ?
2 What she look like ?
3 She 's , what she look like ?
4 Steven she go like that ?
5 She screw like rattlesnake all the same one-piece . ’
6 Seeing her die like that , it 's hit you badly .
7 He 'd never seen her look like that before , and when he thought of why she looked like that he wanted to throttle her .
8 So why now did the very fact that he was awake and talking to her seem like an invasion of her privacy ?
9 The trappings of a domestic servant made her seem like a dove clothed in starling 's feathers .
10 It had made her feel like a dutiful grown-up daughter , visiting a hypochondriac distant relative once a week .
11 I asked Cal if it did n't make her feel like a baby .
12 You made her feel like a woman
13 Gioella had been irritated by her and , in revenge , had set out to make her feel like a schoolgirl — not only by action and word , but simply by being effortlessly in charge of everyone , with the possible exception of the Principe di Savognia .
14 But that only makes her feel like a jerk .
15 The Urvills ' own history , too , made her feel like something unimportant on the family tree , for all that Fergus talked of responsibility and duty and one 's debt to the next generation .
16 The heat of his love made her feel like a plant under a burning sun .
17 What a strange wedding-gift he had given her too , when he came up to the manor the other afternoon , making her feel like a tenant in her own home ; which , of course , had once been his .
18 The ensemble gave her a slinky , model-like elegance and made her feel like an actress playing a part … a nightclub scene , probably … instead of her normal self .
19 Ryan had never , ever made her feel like that , a quivering mass of frustration , had never produced this pain in her lower abdomen .
20 Moving back to the bridge , she halted for a moment to stare down at the sluggish water , and the wavering reflection thrown back at her made her feel like weeping forever .
21 She had done nothing wrong , yet between them Rourke and Rebecca were making her feel like public enemy number one .
22 Glyn never made her feel like this , he never even tried .
23 She glanced up at the blackened night sky , pin-pointed with stars so wondrous that it made her feel like crying , and wished she were home , warm and safe in bed .
24 He had a knack of making her feel like that , she realised — somehow vulnerable , excessively aware of herself in relation to him .
25 Out of all the boys — men — she had known , not one had made her feel like this ; so unsettled , so wanting , so — happy .
26 She worked crouching down , and the infinitesimal pace of her labours made her feel like an ant , toiling away earnestly at a microscopic task .
27 Nah — we 'll give her something to make her feel like one of the Blessed , and ship her off to Heaven happy .
28 Finally , it is worth noting Engle 's remark that the horse on which the Amazon warrior rode into battle represented ‘ a substitute for the phallic power which she envied ’ and ‘ made her feel like a man ’ .
29 In a way it made her feel like a traitor to her brother .
30 Marc was still gripping her wrist in a way that made her feel like melting against him .
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