Example sentences of "she [adj] and " in BNC.

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1 She took all the bones out of his spinal column and compressed them to nothing , she turned his eyeballs inward , she jellied his legs , she unplugged and rewired his guts .
2 But Mrs Porter 's back was turned as she unplugged and packed up the vacuum cleaner , and the very private smile Tom telegraphed across the room to Belinda told her more than the most sweetly worded compliment could have done .
3 Not only was she coarse and stupid , her madness also made her violent .
4 Then she stage-coughed and muttered gracelessly , ‘ Indeed ? ’
5 They sat along one wall by unspoken consent , like a school dance : a grey-haired man in a grey anorak with a once-brutal face now cowed by misery into a sort of gentleness ; an Asian couple , he in a leather jacket , resigned , she pretty and solicitous ; another grey-haired man who looked as though defeat was what he was born for ; a bearded man with a red scarf , lips twitching as he rehearsed things to say , things which would not help .
6 Is she approachable and easy to talk to , or do you find yourself apologising to her for forgetting things or because your child has heaps of energy ?
7 Not trusting herself to speak , she right-wheeled and made for her own front door , which now looked hopelessly out of date and shabby .
8 She chain-smoked and stopped eating .
9 They made an odd pair , she bony and remote , he heavy , grubby and vaguely disreputable .
10 They had n't told her that and she would need to know .
11 She smiled as her father began : he would have been happy being a teacher ; he had often told her that and at one stage — in the nature of parents ' bequeathing unfulfilled ambitions to their children — he had hoped that Mr Fenton might consider her as a pupil teacher ( just for the mornings , of course , he needed her the rest of the day ) .
12 She did n't have to be told that they would be arriving within seconds ; Marguerite 's tight shoulders told her that and Alain 's lips tightened too as the tension in the car reached him .
13 There were some old aunts left her that and that 's like a museum inside it .
14 Well you could get her that and get her something else .
15 But there again , one week you might , one month you might get a one month he might give her that and bugger all the next month !
16 Cos she goes erm she goes I told her right and she goes well you 're going to are n't you ?
17 I asked her right and she said er
18 A friend of mine had their grandmother living with them — I remember her sitting in her special chair , her feet on a footstool , with people getting her this and that .
19 Why had I not told her this and that ?
20 You dare tell her this and because do n't because this is really gon na make feel badly does n't want it okay ?
21 He poured her some and handed it to her .
22 Earlier that afternoon , Katherine had stood before the French doors and watched her some and daughter playing in the snow outside .
23 ‘ We had a girl in here the other day with an exchange student from France , ’ said David 's wife Esther , ‘ She did n't know what mushy peas were so we gave her some and she hated them !
24 Margaret 's mother died in 1661 , leaving her alone and in need of a protector .
25 It is a great mistake : Barbara has to give up her small tress-shop and the cosy flat above where Percy liked to come round in the evenings ; while Percy , lacking that place of resort , now leaves her alone and goes out to play billiards .
26 Yet when he saw her the next day and attempted to speak to her she told him to leave her alone and ran off into the prop-room .
27 Even as she watched , the idyllic little world began to fade , leaving her alone and in tears for a world so cruelly offered , then snatched away .
28 Alice said they should leave her alone and sent Emmie into the garden to feed the rabbits and shut up the ducks .
29 She had , however , through the months of work , taken a real interest in what he was doing , and he found himself confiding in her more and more .
30 As you looked at her more and more insects swarmed on to her ; then , as the weight grew too much for the insects underneath to cling to her smooth skin , great black cakes of them flaked away and fell fizzing to the ground .
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