Example sentences of "but [not/n't] with " in BNC.

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1 Edges of Perspex and similar acrylic sheet plane well , but not with the conventional plane .
2 Doubling in Dostoevsky , which goes back to the very beginning , to Mr Devushkin living and not living in the kitchen , which has its post-Siberian developments in the underground man 's now-you-see-me-now-you-don't ‘ flashing ’ of his consciousness , in Raskolnikov 's and Svidrigailov 's different ways of being among but not with us and Porfiry 's torture tune of ‘ There 's nothing here , precisely nothing , perhaps absolutely nothing ’ — doubling takes on a new form in The Possessed , closer to the I/We/They/Everybody/Nobody shifts of The House of the Dead than anything else before it or to come .
3 It is entirely possible to think that if ‘ literary ’ and ‘ aesthetic ’ are words that go naturally with ‘ American ’ but not with ‘ English ’ , so much the worse for the English .
4 Similarly , the door mirrors worked but not with any great precision .
5 Having told me that everyone was advising him to record it , I told him to go ahead and do it , but not with me .
6 The snag is getting there : public transport often links up white suburbs with the city centre , but not with poor black segments in between .
7 These experiences he could share with Dad Uzzell , but not with his own father .
8 Or rather , they 're going , but not with cheque book in hand and buying intentions in mind .
9 Henry Blake experimentally proved the existence of empathy between horses through using pairs of closely bonded horses who were mentally and emotionally close to each other ; and he discovered that horses could communicate with some horses through empathy , but not with others .
10 Thus there is a group of genes — mouse genes — which recombine with each other , but not with genes from unrelated animals .
11 Suppose further that each neurone forms synapses ( conducting junctions ) with its neighbours , but not with distant neurones .
12 But not with the Colonel — nor at the instigation of anyone else .
13 Things are changing but not with the speed you 'd like . ’
14 If Smike were to play in a drama that required him to hide from someone , the pain of suddenly being found might hurt , but not with the rawness nor with the permanence of actuality .
15 In the 1960 's a few Stanier 8F 's began to appear but not with any regularity .
16 When I speak to him he responds ; but not with the same speed with which he responds to his nurse , from whom of course he obtains satisfaction of his physical needs .
17 She did travel to Italy in June 1915 , but not with Modigliani as Katherine Mansfield had suggested .
18 Believe me , I am with you and you will get to Kano , but not with the help of a God who cheats for you .
19 He would like to do it , in fact , but not with old Sylvester and Foggerty and all cheering him on .
20 External stress caused by unemployment , debts and poor housing were also mentioned but not with the same frequency as issues concerned with the parent/child relationship .
21 Secondly , the two lines do track very closely together , but not with a twelve month lag as one might expect ; the two curves are almost superimposed .
22 ( but not with their sweetheart ) .
23 The Lawrence Girls froze with fear ; their boss had often shouted but not with such force .
24 Much of the relevant theory is developed in these early chapters , but not with sufficient care .
25 ‘ We hear lots of talk of science cooperation with Sweden , Germany and Canada , but not with Britain , ’ said one .
26 His voice shook , but not with anger .
27 And with the millions of insects buzzing , crawling , flying and swimming about , all needing to communicate with their own kind and with other associated species , but not with the millions of other creatures , this would seem to be essential to avoid confusion .
28 Adult gangs did fight , but not with innocent people or bystanders .
29 Jess was overcome , but not with joy .
30 If you 've got an Action Replay cart you can disassemble and display machine code routines , but not with an ordinary reset switch .
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