Example sentences of "but [det] [is] " in BNC.

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1 But each is still strongly protected by the very form of the performance mode .
2 Old people as a group are neither sweet nor cross-grained , but each is the sum of the years that lie behind them .
3 But each is inadequate for some important feminist psychological concerns .
4 Justifiably defined as romantic adventures , the two books follow their quest-plots to very different conclusions , but each is a poet 's novel , with the pursuit of ideal beauty as the ultimate goal and with the chivalrous service of a man for a woman as its motive force .
5 Her down-at-heel 1940s hotel on the edge of the Mexican jungle has few guests , but each is extraordinary — from the defrocked priest ( Alfred Molina ) to an artistic spinster ( Eileen Atkins ) .
6 Each district is different , but each is tended with a considerable degree of commitment , field staff speaking fondly and possessively of ‘ my patch ’ , ‘ my stream ’ , ‘ my trout ’ .
7 The most common source of any argument is that both sides are absolutely right but each is looking at a different part of the situation .
8 All human individuals are on a par , but each is separate from every other like the matches in a match box .
9 There are two basic styles to choose from but each is available in 2D and 3D relief .
10 Erm and he says there all things are in all things but each is coloured according to the host .
11 His approach may not be arrogant but neither is it justified .
12 This sounds as if I were either sick of it myself or else trying to make you sick of it ; but neither is the case .
13 In these novels , ‘ history ’ no longer ( as in the past ) provides illusory certainties nor is a gallery of misleading models ; but neither is it a moment of critical verification or problematical comparison .
14 This is n't a mountain stage , by the Tour 's standards , but neither is it flat .
15 Shut the doors and they do n't thud with the solidity of a Rover 800 , but neither is there a tinny clank .
16 Not only is there no guaranteed right in English law to protest but neither is there any guaranteed right to hold a public meeting .
17 Both are subject to deductions such as tax and National Insurance , but neither is means tested , so you marriage will not invalidate your claim .
18 I know it is n't perfect but neither is the C64 .
19 For the Christian , doubt is not the same as unbelief , but neither is it divorced from it .
20 ‘ Yes , but neither is the actor when he 's being brilliant . ’
21 The choice of the new analogy is not arbitrary , but neither is it justified by a rigorous proof ; by the conceptual readjustment problem-solving becomes easier .
22 Admittedly there 's nothing else as inane as the tale of Froggie and Miss Mousey among the 13 tracks on Good As I Been To You ( Columbia ) — but neither is there anything actually written by Dylan .
23 But neither is truly asexual .
24 But neither is it a form of enterprise association .
25 To say either that someone acts authoritatively or that someone is responsible for his actions may depend upon the possibility of ascribing mental states or capacities but neither is merely a shorthand way of ascribing them .
26 First , the new approach may make the teacher aware of some lack of understanding of X — the originator of the innovation may well have a more comprehensive understanding of the topic and possibly a more detailed map of children 's paths towards it but neither is in fact essential for the promotion of the feeling of insecurity in the teacher .
27 This is certainly not an example of the parallelism of greater precision , but neither is it an example of automatic writing .
28 One will need to grow the plants and prepare the drink or poultice oneself but neither is time-consuming , and certainly likely to be less expensive and just as , if not more , efficacious than the manufactured kind available from the chemist .
29 But neither is this necessarily the case .
30 Local government is not autonomous , but neither is it merely local administration .
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