Example sentences of "but [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Redolent of exotic fruit and scented soap , it is almost sweet-and-sour in character — seemingly sweet at the rich bouquet stage , but satisfyingly dry — almost sour — as you come through the pungent taste .
2 Grom was to prove the exception , a Goblin who was not only as dangerous and ambitious as the best Orc , but vastly bigger as well !
3 We were there not to service the latest release plans of the record companies but to represent a submerged but vastly influential music culture .
4 It is a very simple issue but vastly important for our whole way of life is based upon acceptance of the rule of law . ’
5 There is one other type of microorganism to be found not in general fiction but in science fiction : the colonial organism , individually composed of microscopic bits but vastly intelligent as a collective .
6 This would be an enormous waste management headache if all of this went into ‘ throwaway ’ products , but luckily this is not the case : although packaging is the biggest single consuming sector , accounting for 33 per cent , construction materials take out 20 per cent of the total .
7 But luckily this was Portugal not Palestine , our transport was a hire car not a camel and yes — there was room at the inn .
8 There are a couple of blemishes on the maple which look like black drips from where the pickup cavities have been painted , which is a little careless , but luckily these are not too noticeable sitting as they do underneath the player 's right arm during use .
9 She pulled her foot from his knee , too conscious of the firm muscle of his leg beneath the sole and the gentle probing of his long fingers to find the examination anything but acutely embarrassing .
10 At first it was also quite disorientating but incredibly fascinating as we swam through the clear water amongst a tremendous variety of brightly coloured fish , anemones , coral and sponges .
11 The beauty of this method is that it is not only fascinating but incredibly cheap and will not need large capital expenditure to put it to the test .
12 It was undisciplined but incredibly powerful and , after all , its initial greeting had all but burnt away the shields around his mind .
13 Older cars to search out are the Volkswagen Golf D , which is slow but incredibly reliable ; likewise the VW Passat .
14 It 's incredibly idiosyncratic but incredibly self-confident within that .
15 And one day she had this other map , and I do n't know where she got that either , or what happened to it She only showed it me the once , and after that whenever I mentioned it she did n't know what I was talking about It was made of something absolutely rigid but incredibly thin .
16 ‘ Some productions of Macbeth have one and others decide not to , which is artistically good but commercially dubious .
17 It was also felt that consequent uncertainty in the bookselling trade would lead booksellers to place smaller initial orders for new titles , and that rising prices and the axing of valuable but commercially marginal titles from publishers ' lists would ensue ( both of the latter effects have , in fact , to some extent ensued , in spite of the judgement ) .
18 He hardly paused in his stride as he led the way up two flights of stairs and , outwardly calm but instinctively wary , Merrill followed .
19 When he told me that he wanted to be an actor like Owen Jones , I was very surprised but instinctively excited and challenged .
20 It has come from people who are well informed about the governors ' aspect of management , who know how to take the influence and information of parents into account and who , because they have taken part in one specific but widely shared exercise in adult education , have had the chance to understand and contribute to a wide field of public and community affairs ( Sallis 1988 ) .
21 This view appears disarmingly general but widely acceptable when it is stated as the idea that any economy has to be seen as only one part of a structured world system .
22 AS THE dust settles on the surprising , but widely approved decision to appoint Claudio Abbado chief conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra to replace Karajan , a new round of speculation is about to begin .
23 Car hire in the US is virtually essential , but thankfully cheap compared with Europe .
24 ‘ If you 've some crazy notion in that muddled excuse for a brain that I 've got designs on your person , allow me to disabuse you of it right now , ’ he told her bluntly , bringing hot , but thankfully invisible , colour to her cheeks .
25 Not that Harry has a penny to his name , but thankfully one thing we 're not short of in this family is money , and if that 's what is keeping Harry from showing his hand , then you 've no worries on that score .
26 From then on Leeds showed some good attacking play but thankfully Bright is a donkey who gets caught off-side alot or we 'd have been in trouble ( Newsome and wetherall look dodgy to say the least ) .
27 In the past it has been compulsory for visiting yachtsmen to call on VHF Ch 16 for a pilot to guide them in , but thankfully this practice has now been abandoned in Vyborg .
28 Hers is a performance of indisputable class making little but tremendously effective use of her famous fluttering gestures .
29 When Hannah was a child , running water meant the stream in the field and such things as electricity , the internal combustion engine and even the wireless were available only on another planet or so it must have seemed to the average resident of this remote and lovely but intensely deprived valley .
30 ( The timber roofing is not merely picturesque but intensely practical as it prevents heavy winter snowfalls from rendering passage over the bridge either impossible or very hazardous . )
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