Example sentences of "but [pron] took " in BNC.

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1 The thin man complained and continued to argue but no-one took notice but Michael , who growled tersely at his cowardice .
2 We also appealed to the Government to respond to an extraordinary press conference given by the Iranian chargé d'affaires in London on the anniversary of Terry Waite 's imprisonment a few weeks ago , but no-one took much notice of that , either .
3 As a Class 2 Port Operator , Driver Oliver had already played a full part in the discharge of many of the vessels , but everyone took their turn at sentry duty in the trenches protecting the squadron location .
4 But everyone took care of her , from the brassy madames to the scruffy young page-boys and the sinister young bartenders .
5 Stepping up to bat in the eighth inning of game five on Sunday with the scores tied 1-1 , the Giants first baseman had trouble controlling the adrenalin , ‘ but I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the point of release of the ball ’ .
6 The students had not yet arrived , but I took meals in the refectory with a few of the college authorities and professors who had already started the new term 's work .
7 It came on fitfully , but not so violently , several times on Thursday , and began severer threats towards night ; but I took between sixty and seventy drops of laudanum , and sopped the Cerberus , just as his mouth began to open .
8 But I took the point , for I am neither an institution nor an area of outstanding natural beauty .
9 Not every day , nor as often as I would wish , but I took my middle daughter to see it yesterday and we hugged it together , and two days before that I hugged it with a friend .
10 ‘ Oh , my ma and pa said exactly the same things to me when I was a kid , but I took no notice of it . ’
11 There were lots of other people in there , but I took no notice of them .
12 ‘ I could have made a real mess of that hole , but I took a calculated gamble and it paid off , ’ added Faldo , who walked off the green with a bogey four — one shot less than he registered in the first round .
13 I ca n't read , but I took it to the priest and he read it to me . ’
14 But I took the brunt of their anger .
15 But I took on the idea of transcendence only at a personal level .
16 But I took his arm , and smiled .
17 I was wearing the King 's ring , but I took off my Rassendyll family ring and gave it to her .
18 But I took no notice , pushing through trees and bushes , and ran until I could run no longer .
19 But I took very good care that we did n't .
20 I 've been doing well for the last week , but I took this heavy cold , well from Thursday , since I 've took this heavy cold I 've hardly smoked .
21 At planning meetings with the senior management I often had to endure predictable little jokes about Andreas 's ‘ harem ’ , but I took them with a good grace .
22 Erm , I took her at her word , I still looked for work , I did n't stop looking for work but I took it that she was happy enough me being on the dole if it meant that we could stay around Bay or Anglesey .
23 But I took him first to Connor 's Quay to join a sh erm ship there .
24 At the early age of thirty-eight me mother sent me West Get up , said she , and get a job says I I 'll do me best I pulled on my Wellingtons to march to march to Kiljimock But I took a wrong turn at Charlestown and ended up in Knock Once this quiet crossroads was a place of quiet prayer Where Catholics got indulgent once or twice a year You could buy a pair of rosary beads or get your candles blessed If you had a guilty conscience , you could get it off your chest …
25 I was gon na say unholy but I took it out , I thought it was a bit strong .
26 My uncle and aunt shook me , their faces red and eyes wet , but I took no notice of them .
27 But I took my English books with me . ’
28 Mamma warned me that they were very rich , but I took them up to my room and stuffed the lot .
29 ‘ Final details are still to be agreed , but I took along the usual samples of your work and it looks as though she 'll want to incorporate feature tiles and maybe also a patterned frieze . ’
30 But I took the job .
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