Example sentences of "but [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 Grimwood grabbed for the bulky sheaf of printed paper but Newman had hold of it .
2 His first impression of Galvone had been of a mobster , but Newman had met other reasonably honest Americans holding high positions who had made the same initial impression .
3 It was bitterly cold in the open jeep , but Taylor had brought an army greatcoat for me to wear .
4 But times had changed .
5 But times had changed since 1898 ; wartime regulations had rationed liquor purchases to one bottle per month per customer .
6 Her great-grandmother had never dressed herself without the help of a lady 's maid , but times had changed since then .
7 But times had changed , the Great War had seen to that .
8 But times had changed again .
9 But times had changed .
10 But times have changed and chefs may not be able to get away with overcharging for simple dishes using relatively inexpensive ingredients for much longer … or perhaps they will .
11 But times have changed , and with several successful campaigns behind it ( goats have been eradicated from five islands ) Galapagos conservation is taking a new direction .
12 But times have changed and it 's different now .
13 But times have changed .
14 But times have changed .
15 Luxor and Aswan still draw tourists up the Nile , but times have changed and standards have slipped .
16 ‘ It used to be like that , but times have changed , ’ Harry argued .
17 But times have moved on … concern over the environment has grown and pressure from the Greens has forced the other parties to take ecological issues seriously .
18 But times have moved on .
19 er Chairman thank you for inviting me to come erm here today , er particularly as Mrs who 's the other member of erm , affected by the lorry ban on the A ten eighty eight it 's unfortunate unable to come , erm and thank you for including me in the er consultation process that you 're planning with Norfolk County Council , er Chairman obviously I wish to support this , but just erm if I could make a couple of observations on your paper , erm firstly particular relation to the discussion we just had about Brandon , erm , I am aware Mr Chairman you 've just described the er highways people in Norfolk as very reasonable , but I think that members will see particular if they look at problems like four point one that we do have to handle er working relationships with some care and I would want to express regret while I wo n't be less impolite than that , but Norfolk have not even seen fit to put up signs erm warning of the lorry ban erm in Thetford , erm , which shows er not exactly the spirit of co-operation , I hope we 're going to be able to achieve in the consultations about Brandon and I thought
20 But Tex had nothing more to say to us .
21 Whitlock had wanted to remain on duty for the banquet at the United Nations that evening but Kolchinsky had told him to call it a day .
22 But conodonts have never been found in situ in in animal , and until Derek Briggs , Euan Clarkson and Richard Aldridge described their ‘ find ’ there was no evidence to support the speculations concerning the nature of conodonts ( Lethaia , vol 16 , p 1 ) .
23 But faith has always played a big part in the game , and in France they have often made things happen simply by believing .
24 But Germany has been peaceful because the East Prussians were under our control .
25 But Pascoe had come to this broken-down hotel in these bleak streets already guessing that Charlie probably was n't Zeno .
26 No doubt he kept in touch with the Queen 's Theatre , asking for news of any significant alterations ; someone there supplied detailed descriptions of the scenes and machines when it was clear how these would look — but printing had to start well before the show opened .
27 But agriculture has not stood still .
28 The memory of the past , not surprisingly , has died hard , but contacts have gradually increased on the basis of certain shared interests , experiences and problems .
29 Potter says this approach has been satisfactory , although he would not say how many times the company had used it , but Psion has never had to take a case to court .
30 It may have seemed unusual to see Royal Scot locos on the GC but Annesley had several on its allocation in the mid 60's for operating Nottingham-Marylebone semifasts .
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