Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The concert 's aim , Ms Maggs says , was not only to raise desperately needed funds for the CABA , but also to raise Institute members ' awareness of the CABA 's funding problems .
2 Channel Four 's funding structure was , perhaps , the most radical feature of the service .
3 The Scottish Council is pleased to acknowledge the government 's funding support with this major project .
4 All that is the result of the Government 's funding policies , and an independent inspectorate has a right to comment on it .
5 Specifically , as soon as market interest rates started to rise , expectations of an increase in MLR were generated and the government 's funding programme became difficult .
6 The group has invested heavily in building up its Mercury business in the UK and is also committed to the expansion of its PCN business but the disposal of between 10 per cent and 20 per cent of Hong Kong Telecom will allay concerns about the group 's funding requirements .
7 That decision found in favour of St. Bartholomew 's and against British Rail , and has thrown some of British Rail 's funding calculations into a degree of confusion .
8 6.2.4 Money market flows and the government 's funding policy
9 She was formerly assistant to Ole van Luyn , WACC 's funding director .
10 Rittner stood down as Arts Council Secretary General two years ago , believing government plans to devolve the council 's funding responsibilities to the regions would drastically reduce its role .
11 One reason is that many suspect this is just the first of several unwelcome shifts in the government 's funding pattern , despite official promises to the contrary .
12 Although some liaison takes place with the school 's link person , the DCSLs tend to perform these functions independently .
13 The government has cut the funding of the structural composites programme that is part of the DTI 's Link scheme .
14 Wyse Technology 's Link subsidiary has black and white and colour offerings waiting in the wings , Cumulus will have its terminal out within three months and NCR/ADDS will begin volume shipments of its product later this year .
15 time to hit the ice now … with the Swindon Wildcats and the Fife Flyers … this was the hockey game of the weekend … a top of the table clash which filled the town 's Link Centre
16 ‘ We get a large proportion of our funding from the CEC and we obtain money from the Department of Trade and Industry 's LINK programme for collaborative research ventures . ’
17 The integration was achieved through a strategic alliance with Wellfleet Communications Inc under which Optical Data incorporated the latter 's Link Node router technology into the new Infinity hub family , said to combine switching , advanced management and full bridge-routing capabilities .
18 London 's rail system was transformed with the opening of the Snow Hill tunnel , providing a through link from Bedford to Brighton via King 's Cross Midland and Blackfriars .
19 The trains it has designed will be the first electric rolling stock to run on Malaysia 's rail system .
20 The trains it has designed will be the first electric rolling stock to run on Malaysia 's rail system .
21 BRITAIN 'S rail system will be wrecked if the Government presses ahead with its sell-off plans , BR boss Sir Bob Reid warned yesterday .
22 Bomb threats by the Basque separatist group ETA disrupted Spain 's rail system over the Aug. 3-4 holiday weekend for the third year in succession .
23 BR worker 's rail shock
24 Meanwhile he added that Strathclyde may have to reconsider investment in diesel multiple units for the region 's rail service because of uncertainty over the future of British Rail .
25 The firm 's crash will come as a blow to the Government 's rail privatisation plans .
26 On board were hundreds of campaigners heading for a national demonstration against the government 's rail privatisation plans .
27 Warrington South MP Mike Hall has slammed the Government 's rail privatisation policy as ‘ the politics of the madhouse . ’
28 However , outlying villages had been attacked and the city 's rail link with Phnom Penh was frequently severed .
29 It features prominently in Dombey and Son , notably with reference to the upheaval its coming causes in neighbourhoods like Staggs 's Gardens in London ( DS 6 , 15 ) where Mr Toodle the engine-stoker lives ; to Mr Dombey 's rail journey to Leamington ( DS 20 ) in which the railway engine seems ‘ a type of the triumphant monster , Death ’ ; and to Carker 's horrible death by falling under a train ( DS 55 ) .
30 During this week 's rail strike , some civil servants walked miles to work while , in Rome ( on the Continent , of course ) , persistent shirkers in the civil service were arrested and thrown into jail .
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