Example sentences of "this be more " in BNC.

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1 Less extreme cases than this are more common ( see fig. 2.4 ) .
2 Some of the ways of doing this are more effective , and create less toxic waste , than others , but many of them share a concern with maintenance at the cost of growth .
3 Certain specifications allow the use of High , Expanded , or Extended memory , but MS-DOS 5 leaves you with up to 621K of the original 640K to use and programs that require more than this are more complex than a new PC owner should initially be concerned with .
4 At no time will this be more true than in the 1990s , when the art critic confronts an increasingly international community of art .
5 If I was to buy the pond version for my 90 gallon marine system , then would n't this be more efficient , due to the slower flow rate , compared to that of our Koi-keeping friends ?
6 Should there be specialist social workers in area teams with responsibility for developing dementia teamwork , or would this be more properly the function of the specialist social worker for the elderly ? iii Would the care of dementia sufferers as well as that of other groups be enhanced is care of the elderly was integrated at local level , uniting the functions of the geriatric and psychiatric services , or uniting both with social services for the elderly ? vi Alternatively would it be better to pursue the Griffiths proposal of Community care as an integrated organisation for the planning and delivery of care to a variety of disabled groups ?
7 Nowhere , for example , will this be more apparent than in determining how management decisions are to be taken , the circumstances in which a partner is liable to be expelled , and how the shares of partners who leave the firm are to be acquired .
8 In Darwinian terms , once again , cats that did this were more likely to maintain their social relationships and thereby derive the benefits that such relationships provide than cats that did not .
9 The results of this were more encouraging than Walker and Amsler 's .
10 This is more easily done when landing in an unfamiliar place , particularly if it is in a hilly area and means landing on an uphill slope .
11 The District Council may offer to rehouse you if this is more suitable for you , and it is an option that you might want to consider .
12 Being a combination , this is more likely to score than a single face punch which , as I said earlier , is often simply overlooked by the referee .
13 His Lordship will need to assess whether the nudity involved in the depiction of this is more corrupting to young eyes than the safety of the encounter is exemplary .
14 This is more likely to be feasible in relation to questions relating to demographic and other background characteristics , than for behavioural or product market data .
15 I thought , hang on , this is more like it .
16 But this is more a measure of the limitations of our own mind .
17 This is more an opportunity to be grabbed than a threat to the survival of Japanese factories abroad .
18 But this is more out of opportunity than necessity .
19 But this is more exciting , because the music is more varied .
20 I remember thinking , when Bond arrived , this is more like it .
21 ‘ Now then , this is more like it . ’
22 ‘ Secondly , and this is more important , you will have the capability to influence your own reality in a profoundly greater sense than at any time in mankind 's history .
23 This is more expensive but it has a particular advantage in television coverage .
24 I said , ‘ This is more a movie set than real life . ’
25 Today I suppose he 'd have written variations on Happy Birthday , but this is more fun .
26 The company has found that this is more successful than using conventional training , or senior managers .
27 On the other hand , if we look at a later decision-making episode in the same project when the pupils are temporarily in role as Indians who have to decide whether or not to receive a white stranger into their midst ( p. 53 ) , this is more likely to have been played seriously as a real game for by then the children , after several lessons on the same project , were steeped in the material sufficiently deeply to respect the rich complexity of the problem .
28 Unlike France , however , the parliament is not constitutionally supine ; indeed it has a degree of control over policy which some might envy , although this is more a result of governmental weakness than anything else .
29 This is more impoverished than other subcommunities , and is dominated by Calluna accompanied by E. cinerea .
30 Maybe modern man is more stoical of nature , or perhaps , and this is more likely , there has been a real change in the symptom-producing capabilities of the gonococcus .
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