Example sentences of "by [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The model is typically estimated by least squares and tests of the individual regression coefficients are based on the usual regression t statistics .
2 The slope of this line ( determined by least squares linear regression analysis ) gave a value for the crypt cell production rate in cells/crypt/hour .
3 The result would appear to be that either ( a ) there is no contract or ( b ) there is a contract , but governed by neither set of terms : in effect , an " open " contract , depending solely on the common law rules and any relevant statutory implied terms .
4 A snap drop goal by out-half Richard Chambers opened their account but Bangor restored their advantage with a good try by Don Whittle after McKinty had made initial ground and Strutt made the score 20 points to three with a conversion .
5 They did , however , start off with a flourish with two penalties by out-half Ricky Adair .
6 The statue of Moloch in Carthage had large outstretched hands for children to be placed on before they tumbled to a blazing fire below , where they would be ‘ purified ’ and blessed by that god .
7 They were done by that forger Elmyr de Hory who lived on Ibiza .
8 Simon actually counting up the cars next door , on the drive , getting , by that knowledge wanted to keep it .
9 The defending Englishmen were clustered in groups of three at intervals around thirty yards apart , strung out along the stockade itself and its command lookouts ; in the stream that passed through the settlement , and bounded the headland where Belmont 's Great House now commanded the rise , they stood in a double row to bar access to the settlement by that approach ; in the mangroves at the mouth of the stream two young sentries kept watch , though the prevailing easterly breeze rendered it unlikely , the English commanders decided , that the islanders ' attack would come from the sea on that shore .
10 The rear gunner was killed by that burst , as his gun swung up to a vertical position as he slumped down .
11 Statistical Method : The 1975 base US$ figure for each artist in the index is the average price of the central 80% of all paintings and works on paper by that artist sold at auction in 1974–1976 , as reported in Art Sales Index .
12 Statistical Method : The 1975 base figure for each of the ten artists in the index is the average price of the central 80% of paintings by that artist sold at auction during the 1973/74 , 1974/75 and 1975/76 auction seasons , as reported in Art Sales Index published by Richard Hislop .
13 ‘ Another particularly odious corruption is the scholar who sets himself up as a unique authority on a certain painter , with the specific knowledge that , in cornering the market , his opinion will be essential for anyone dealing with works by that artist .
14 Let us consider just two of them : ( 1 ) Is it true that the word ‘ here ’ is an exception to the rule that knowing the meaning of a word means knowing what is meant by it , that is , knowing something which we call by that word ? and ( 2 ) Supposing that the word ‘ here ’ can be used meaningfully without our knowing something which we call ‘ here ’ , are Russell and McTaggart right in their assumption that the word ‘ I ’ is not like ‘ here ’ in this respect ?
15 The response made to a sign ( word ) and that made to the object represented by that word .
16 He suggested that if the RAC were to be re-constituted with equality of representation and parity of esteem between the Board and the WEA , an arrangement which already existed in the University/WEA Joint Tutorial Classes Committee , the procedures followed by that committee over the appointment of tutors and approval of syllabuses would clearly offer a satisfactory solution .
17 Recently , this hospital 's dietitian requested changes in the patient information sheet for a protocol approved by that committee .
18 I have every confidence , therefore , that Dr. Woods and I will be able to co-operate in resolving the issues referred to us by that committee .
19 You must need some individual point by that committee and the same is true for governments .
20 The Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee , who shall be elected by that Committee , shall serve as the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Society .
21 Held , dismissing the action , that the statutory framework leading to the grant of planning permission envisaged that a local planning authority would balance the interests of the community against those of individuals ; that where a planning authority had granted consent to the development of an area , the measure of disturbance to individuals had to be considered against the changed character of the neighbourhood and those living close to a public highway affected by that change had to accept the increased volume of traffic in the greater public interest ; and that , accordingly , since as a result of planning permission the two roads now gave access to a commercial dock operating 24 hours a day , the serious disturbance to individuals from the movement of heavy goods vehicles was not an actionable nuisance ( post , pp. 460G–H , 461A–C , H — 462B , C–F ) .
22 However , it is clear that sufficient places in secure accommodation do not exist to meet the need created by that change in the law .
23 There was the suspicion , too , that it was he who had arranged for us to be followed on our arrival in Lima , may even have planned our death by that gully on the old road up to the pass .
24 ( 6.10 ) it may be seen that the risk premium for any asset is the sum of the risk factor premiums weighted by that asset 's sensitivity to each of the determinant factors .
25 As for ‘ the old lady ’ , as he called Mrs Chadwick 's mother , ‘ well , she just loved to sit out by that mulberry bush and watch I cuttin' the grass .
26 The ‘ Parliament ’ referred to there is obviously the Westminster Parliament and by implication the ‘ country ’ must be the whole territory legislated for by that Parliament , that is , the UK as a whole including Northern Ireland .
27 But Mrs Thatcher was not actually removed by that election — though , as we have shown , its inconclusive result laid the ground for what followed .
28 The accursed history of autocracy has left us a legacy of tremendous estrangement between the working classes of the various nationalities oppressed by that autocracy .
29 ( 5.3 ) unc If one of a pair of parallel processes is a conditional , then the choice represented by that conditional may be performed before the parallel construct is entered , provided the choices are exhaustive ( so that the conditional can not stop the PAR being entered ) .
30 The lyricism that sells out to a state-ordained reality and solidarity is not the only lyricism we know , and it is the opposite of much of what we know by that name .
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