Example sentences of "at first [art] " in BNC.

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1 The sporophore is at first a whitish-grey , unpleasant-looking fleshy growth and gradually becomes more leathery and dewy .
2 He was convincing , too , in getting maximum mileage out of the ingenious variations on what seems at first a not very promising theme .
3 It sounds at first a morally dubious proposition , but Michael Grubb argues in The Greenhouse Effect that it is more promising , and fairer , that any other scheme for international control .
4 The relevant fact is that , if two solutions are mixed in a petri dish or other container , and allowed to stand , the mixture is at first a uniform brown , but this homogeneous state is not stable .
5 At first a natural depression reinforced by earthworks put up in January by the Italian army contained the lava .
6 The Renaissance State consisted , at bottom , of an ever-expanding bureaucracy which , although at first a working bureaucracy , had by the end of the sixteenth century become a parasitic bureaucracy ; and this ever expanding bureaucracy was sustained on an equally expanding margin of ‘ waste ’ : ‘ waste ’ which lay between the taxes imposed on the subjects and the revenue collected by the Crown .
7 The abbot of Cîteaux enjoyed at first a patriarchal , supervisory role like his brother of Cluny ; but in the course of the 1120s and 1130s the machinery of the Order was perfected , and in principle every abbot of the Order went to Cîteaux every year for general chapter , and every abbot visited his abbey 's daughter houses every year .
8 They gathered themselves and began to walk , their steps light though at first a little unsure , until they became more used to the uneven pace .
9 All we are left with in this critic 's eyes is the drama of one simple and honourable man created by what seemed at first a ‘ carefully studied impersonation ’ but what became a very moving performance by Muni .
10 He proposed a test , based on communication via teletypes with an unseen entity that was to be at first a human and then a computer , and if the human interlocutor , who had been told he was communicating on the subject of the differences between men and women , failed to notice that a machine had been substituted for the original human partner in the dialogue , then the machine was deemed to have passed the test , and Turing suggested we might as well speak of such a successful machine as thinking by polite convention , just as , ‘ instead of arguing continually … it is usual to have a polite convention that everybody thinks ’ .
11 The subjection of the industry to ‘ financial disciplines ’ was inevitably at first a slogan rather than a policy .
12 They review this possibility annually and he explained that when they have identified children who will go back they let them go into mainstream school for at first a morning and then one day a week .
13 Like James , Simon Peter is at first a devout Jew , who sees Jesus 's teaching exclusively in a Judaic context .
14 Agatha thought she caught an odd note in her nephew 's voice , but at first a searching glance shewed nothing unusual .
15 To come upon someone with it curling all over his face is astonishing enough to overlook at first a certain glassiness to his left eye — until , that is , he absent-mindedly lets it fall to dangle from its string .
16 At first a few individuals left off talking , then this engendered a positive feedback , more people heard the gathering soundlessness and responded to it so that whole tiers shut up .
17 The impulse proved at first a happy one , for in the graveyard Miss Fergusson discovered tombstones and crosses whose Celtic air recalled those of her native Ireland ; a smile of approval crossed her dutiful features .
18 The conversion was at first a family secret ; when it leaked out to the neighbours the Murphys fled to Dublin , where William worked in his teens in a boot shop .
19 At first a beginner learns this kick in a one-two-three rhythm , but as proficiency increases the whole movement becomes one smoothly flowing action .
20 At first a discreet pile , the mound grows steadily until it covers the pavement almost knee-deep for twenty yards .
21 At first a supporter of Indira Gandhi 's premiership , by 1975 he was among her opponents and , with many others , was placed in detention under emergency regulations .
22 And so to war , and at first a very strange war , On either side it appeared that no one wanted to start the bombing war which in our way had been our long time plan — in fact the Trenchard theory that fighters are for defence , bombers for offence .
23 A hushed audience listened to quality singing star Joan Regan , who seemed at first a little nervous but relaxed with what must be one of her own favourites , May You Always .
24 The Admiral , whose office dates from the end of the thirteenth century , has at first no jurisdiction apart from the discipline of the fleet , but in the course of the fourteenth century we find him assuming a jurisdiction to punish crimes , such as piracy , committed at sea , as well as a civil jurisdiction over shipping and commercial matters .
25 They were in their early thirties , so 1 did not feel too out of place from the point of view of age , and at first no one took any notice of me , as if they thought I was just another mature student .
26 Nana 's voice , distorted with tension , sounded so unnatural that at first no one recognised it .
27 Increasingly candidates thought able enough were entered for O and even A levels ( and rightly , because there was at first no other examination for them to take ) and when the CSE examination was introduced for those thought not to be up to O level , the top grade of CSE was soon deemed to count as an O level , and thus itself to aspire to the academic .
28 At first no one was quite sure what should be done .
29 Though he was a college Conservative of a patriotic and nationalist kind , he had shown at first no sign of the bitter and obsessive anti-Semitism that became the hallmark of his speaking and writing .
30 At first no one believed her .
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