Example sentences of "at all [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Look at him — throwin' his eye up your skirt — and it no time at all since he gave up wettin' the bed ! ’
2 Imran , 39 , said he was not very optimistic at the moment because the injury ‘ has not improved at all since I played the World Cup final ’ .
3 ‘ If you 've thought of me at all since we last met I 'd be very surprised . ’
4 Many illustrations described as woodcuts are not , strictly speaking , woodcuts at all since , from about 1830 , it became common to make stereotypes and electrotypes from the original wood blocks , which would stand up to only comparatively small editions .
5 Liza , in the next room , having hardly slept at all since her disastrous meeting with Freddie Nash , lay awake , now resolved that there was only one thing left for her to do .
6 Frey argues that animals can not have any perceptions at all since this involves making judgements , attaching predicates to subjects , of which , lacking language , they are incapable .
7 You may not even think there is a problem at all since the words " greatest " and " largest " are synonymous in the English language .
8 I had n't seen John at all since before going to hospital .
9 Neil is Max 's dad ; Neil is also a chiropractor but this does n't concern Ralph at all since his only dealings with Neil are merely in his capacity as Max 's dad .
10 Looking into her great eyes , their blue so dark that it was almost black , he was uncomfortably aware that having Miss Sally-Anne McAllister in the house was a most disturbing influence on a man who had not only denied himself sexually for some years , but who had rarely mixed with young women at all since he had left the army .
11 Alternatively , the employer may have chosen not to exploit the invention at all since it would effectively reduce customer demand for an established and more expensive substitute already produced as part of his current range of activities .
12 ‘ Of course ’ he added , ‘ our Brit may not have known Miss Tuckey at all since Keyserling signed this photo to her . ’
13 Cochrane argues that it is difficult to see whether the direction of change can be described as " post-Fordist " at all since the changes incorporate contradictory tendencies .
14 The behaviour of relative prices , and in particular the reaction of the real wage rate to excess supply in the labour market , gains no mention at all since the principal focus of attention is the response ( or more accurately the lack of response ) of absolute prices to changes in the level of aggregate demand .
15 And yet the process that produces that hoppy , hearty , malty , mellow flavour , that dark ruby gleam and smooth rich creamy head has hardly changed at all since Arthur rolled up his sleeves to mash his first brew .
16 Get a divorce they , they 've never been happy at all since they 've been married have they ?
17 ‘ We do not believe the public would have been told at all but for us , ’ said a spokesman .
18 He pulled the cloth away and Jenna made no sound at all although her cheeks went quite pale .
19 The hour winged past and it seemed no time at all before I was back on the top road waiting in the gathering darkness for the Scarborough bus .
20 It may be no time at all before he 's got you in the racket .
21 had the updating gone on at all before the Daily Telegraph article came out ? which is in nineteen eighty eight
22 We would rather have no help at all than continue to do that . ’
23 ‘ I guess they just want other sorts of women in their movies in Hollywood , ’ she shrugs , saying she 'd rather now have no offers at all than be asked to play the kind of ‘ one-note , bitchy character ’ that has since come her way .
24 The the the the trouble is he got more recognition for that for getting no points at all than he did probably if he 'd have bloody won that thing .
25 Did you hear from her at all after you left Naples ? ’
26 This is doing me no good at all whereas it seems to be all me and my wife it 's but like we went to court , Mr and Mrs who were equally involved in it
27 Work for older women was as badly paid , but for many it was more of a gain because they had not earned at all while their children were young .
28 I ca n't remember now whether in fact we were allowed any at all while we were in the Waaf , but I know that for the few years after I became a civilian again and clothes rationing still went on , the ration allocation was so small that the prospect of buying , for instance , a new winter coat was exceedingly small for most women , especially those with children , whose needs had to come first .
29 One will be no trouble at all while the other drives them insane with constant problems .
30 British Columbia 's powerful timber industry — led by MacMillan Bloedel , the company that will be doing much of the cutting in Clayoquot — feigned relief at being given anything at all while bemoaning the loss of jobs that the mild restrictions would cause .
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