Example sentences of "this [verb] not " in BNC.

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1 This influences not only the nature of volcanic activity and landforms produced but also the processes tending to initiate back-arc spreading behind the volcanic arc .
2 This involves not only the introduction of new practices into a system , but their consolidation and continuation after the first enthusiastic impulse has worn off .
3 This involves not only a replacement of the formerly existing elements of production , but also the insertion of new elements into the new cycle of production .
4 This involves not only reflecting on why certain types of behaviours are defined as criminal in some historical periods and not others , but also why a particular criminal law comes to incorporate from relatively homogeneous behaviour patterns only a portion and exclude the remainder , even though each and every instance of this behaviour causes avoidable harm , injury , or deprivation .
5 This involves not only asking ‘ What is taught ? ’ but ‘ How do we ask what is taught ? ’
6 This led not only to the aggravation of unemployment problems but also to the lowering of labour force participation rates through earlier retirement and fewer married women returning to work after child-rearing — a phenomenon which , not surprisingly , was particularly marked in northern cities and industrial towns .
7 Apparently , this refers not to the Lower East Side survey , but to Labov 's preparatory department store survey ( Labov , 1966 ; 1972b ) .
8 Six months or so of this produced not only a degree of understandable tedium -even the most terrifying things can become boring if lived with long enough — but what I would call an inverse effect .
9 This points not only to a severe differential in the quality of jobs between north and south but also to a differential in their rate of job growth over time .
10 This crosses not only departmental boundaries but also extends to collaboration with other Faculties , notably Social Sciences , Science and Engineering , Divinity , and Law .
11 This crosses not only departmental boundaries within the Faculty , but also extends to related areas in other Faculties , notably Arts ( history , philosophy and linguistics ) , Divinity ( theology , christianity in the non-western world ) , Law ( criminology and jurisprudence ) , and Science ( geology , biological and environmental sciences , and artificial intelligence ) .
12 The public perception of Amnesty has also changed and this has not happened by accident .
13 This has not been publicised elsewhere to date , and that is the one redeeming feature of this otherwise unwelcome and ill-considered arrangement .
14 However this has not always been the case ; the first version of the Texas Instruments TMS32010 simulator had an appalling screen display which relied on scrolling instead of bit mapped refresh .
15 This has not only exposed the underlying differences between Likud and Labour which the initiative papered over .
16 This has not , however , prevented a touching detail in the exodus of the original 4,000 emigres over the weekend .
17 Modern drainage and farming techniques make cultivation possible , but with the agreement of local farmers this has not been done and the water level is artificially maintained to protect the wildlife that has developed .
18 The reason this has not happened is that Eurotunnel 's fares fed into the model are not based on its costs .
19 NME , for instance , has always included substantial coverage of black popular forms — soul , reggae , hip-hop — although this has not always met with their readers ' approval .
20 This has not extended to the maintenance of capital assets once established , and of infrastructure such as roads , railways , and buildings .
21 In many agricultural projects this has not been the case .
22 This has not removed the scope for profound disagreement about the relevance of such conditions .
23 However , amid rapid development and shooting commercial rentals in Wimbledon , this has not been an easy search .
24 This has not gone down too well with the Torinese , who want a more prestigious side to inaugurate their new stadium .
25 However this has not been an across the board extension .
26 The returning emigres hope for a clean sweep but this has not happened anywhere in Eastern Europe where the price of reconciliation has always been a measure of compromise .
27 This has not undermined Hong Kong 's competitiveness , however , because Hong Kong 's overall labour productivity is still rising faster than America 's .
28 So far this has not happened .
29 In 1987 the Jaw Commission recommended some radical change and simplification , but this has not yet been adopted .
30 However , this has not necessarily proved to be the case when the time has come to commit the words to celluloid .
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