Example sentences of "by this [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It all adds , little by little , to a climate of resentment which at street level may be interpreted as by this black girl ( Lucy ) :
2 ‘ I got recognised by this real old stomper in the sit-down Chinese in Cinderford … ’
3 T. Behrens is considerably baffled by this strange case , by the question of what it was that determined Ursula 's adherence to this programme , and of what it was that caused her to bring to an end her loving friendship with Justin .
4 Only a reader familiar with Magritte 's art will not be confused by this strange editorial decision .
5 From his viewpoint in his seat , enervated by this strange sapped feeling , Jimmy could see that Gilbert 's previous nervousness had now reached a new pitch .
6 Every time he heard the sacred name pronounced by this strange voice , Henri thrilled with joy ; it seemed to him like a voice from beyond the grave , something mysterious and superhuman .
7 Sally-Anne stared at him , surprised by this strange request .
8 Disturbed by this strange and brutal event , Tallis found it hard to get to sleep again .
9 David was greatly encouraged by this warm admiration expressed by a celebrated man , and it helped to develop his talent .
10 By this simple device , it is able to conceal its highly characteristic body shape and is able to approach more easily its intended prey .
11 Any child who is capable of imitating the behaviour of adults , albeit crudely , can be reached by this simple but effective technique .
12 Chestvale was a subsidiary of UPH and by this simple device a tax saving of almost £300,000 was made .
13 He recalls that the Chancellor came in to the store at around 5pm , and stands by this approximate time even though he is well aware that Mr Lamont was then in a Treasury Select Committee at the House of Commons .
14 Sometimes Anne was annoyed by this unnecessary furtiveness and sometimes wondered why John had not explained the situation to her sooner and let her decide whether she wished to be involved with him , but she pushed these doubts aside .
15 His special preserve was Cwm Idwal , and to be shown round that magnificent place , to have its intimacies and grand structure both explained and revealed to you by this gentle , wise old quarryman was one of life 's great pleasures , to be stored and cherished in memory .
16 The crisis of identity suggested by this violent displacement is reflected in the themes of the two novels .
17 By this tiny brushstroke and by the sky which has suddenly cleared , Duras draws the line of connection between Maria and Rodrigo Paestra .
18 ‘ I was saving it until I had time , ’ Merrill retorted , stung by this apparent criticism of her work .
19 Confused by this apparent about-face , she blinked at him .
20 As we will see in later sections , the development of successful multimedia applications is deeply affected by this crucial issue of market awareness among multimedia information publishers .
21 Richard Baxter believed the debate produced by this controversial oath alienated more people from the bishops than if the question had never been raised .
22 None of those associated with Cripps during the tenure of his wardenship can fail to have been touched by this outstanding man .
23 The cat is transfixed by this appealing sight and pounces , sinking its teeth into the prey .
24 By this conditional statement , Edward clearly referred to the non-performance of the territorial clauses of the 1259 treaty .
25 The fate of twentieth-century Britain has been shaped to a considerable extent by this economic and political dominance of financial capital , as we emphasise in Chapter 6 on Power and Politics .
26 Cleo , as perhaps he should have anticipated , seemed delighted by this motley collection of ghost-trussers .
27 The label ‘ hard look ’ developed in essence because the United States ' courts began to desire more control than allowed by this limited test .
28 Jeremias has shown in The Central Message of the New Testament that nowhere in pre-Christian literature does anyone dare to call God by this intimate , family word which could better be translated as ‘ Daddy ’ or ‘ Dear Father ’ .
29 Let's go to see you tomorrow Other languages have PrOnominal systems much richer than the English one : in Japanese , pronouns are distinguished also with respect to sex of speaker , social status of referent and degree of intimacy with referent , so , for example , the second person pronoun kimi can be glossed " you , addressed by this intimate male speaker " ( Uyeno , 1971 : 16-17 ; Harada , 1976 : 511 ) ; and village Tamil has up to six singular second person pronouns according to degree of relative rank between speaker and addressee ( Brown & Levinson , 1978 : 3206 ) .
30 She drew in a breath , determined not to be cowed by this hulking brute , but her mouth felt dry as he loomed closer .
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