Example sentences of "do very [adv] " in BNC.

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1 If he takes his clothes off , which he does not do very easily because it hurts so much , one sees open wounds from the top of his chest down to his toes .
2 She would not do very well on any test of strength , stamina , or suppleness .
3 They usually can ; but they do n't do very well in the marathon four days later !
4 Brim 's translation ‘ You will be smitten with the Egyptian dermatitis , characterized by swellings , dry crusts , and ulcers , from which you will never be healed , and the Lord shall smite you in the knees , and in the legs , with a sore botch that can not be healed from the sole of thy foot to the top of thy head ’ not only gives a description that would do very well for syphilis but also pre-empts the habit of the fifteenth-century Europeans of ascribing the disease to the enemy .
5 The reason unforgiving strategies do n't do very well is that they ca n't break out of runs of mutual recrimination , even when their opponent is ‘ remorseful ’ .
6 . which I could do very well . ’
7 This it can do very well .
8 ‘ We did n't do very well , ’ admits Greg Searle .
9 Then you would n't have people thinking that going to a Phish concert means you have to put up with the smell of somebody who did n't do very well at school .
10 A The natural water conditions of the Severum , ( Heros sererus ) , are very soft and acid , with a pH of 6 , but aquarium strains will do very well in neutral to moderately alkaline conditions .
11 ‘ Les has had a few problems but he could do very well alongside Deanesy . ’
12 But I 'm sure Teddy will come in and do very well . ’
13 ‘ I think Canada will do very well over the next four years .
14 In any event , come again , we always have a great deal of variety here at the theatre and if you are a speedy worker , you should do very well . ’
15 It would do very well .
16 They , and for the most part their teachers , often assume that only a few can do very well , the majority doing only moderately well , and a few doing poorly or even failing .
17 They 'll do very well where they are . "
18 Soilless composts will do very well as they are , keeping them slightly on the dry side , but be very careful , as such composts take a long time to dry out but then do so completely with alarming rapidity , and are exceedingly difficult to wet through to the centre of the root-ball .
19 This will do very well for the sort of story that is a combination of the novel of humour ( a story of cumulative comic events ) and the blueprint detective story .
20 So , on that , wh not if but when that question comes up you should do very well on it I think .
21 I did n't sleep the night before the exam because of nervous tension , however , so I did n't do very well .
22 You know , they 'd do very well here . ’
23 Taliesin will do very well on his own . ’
24 and would do very well at it if it was a sensible package and not the rubbishy WordPerfect .
25 I think you 'd do very well .
26 ‘ This will do very well for the moment , ’ he murmured , nibbling her ear , his hands finding at last the soft flesh between her thighs .
27 ‘ Oh , you will do very well as you are , child , ’ she replied .
28 Inasmuch as ‘ good ’ television is confrontational , violent , full of event — why then , I think most people would agree , on reflection , yes , communally , we could do very well without TV .
29 ‘ I will do very well . ’
30 They are young and talented and if they choose to turn professional they could do very well in pro events and become a major coaching influence in Ireland .
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