Example sentences of "do that but " in BNC.

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1 I do n't think any of us have actually done that but that is that was the reason for my sarcasm
2 We are doing this because some kids always tell us ‘ oh , we can do that but with my legs tied behind my back ’ which can be very annoying .
3 We are well aware we must do that but I 'm sure we will with the confidence of the good displays in the World Cup behind us ’ .
4 If there was a proper , a bus system that you could nip on easily they would do that but all those
5 Now you would n't do that but it may that may be worth a go .
6 Oh they they might do that but then er if you can be selective in other words I mean if they 've got competition and the competition 's advertising they 've got to come come to terms with that .
7 So you can do that but in the main we try not to have any loose ends on er an assignment .
8 You 're gon na make the actual statistics worse okay yeah you can do that but it 's the vocabulary that 's not strong enough
9 Do n't do that but then again they 're slightly different I suppose
10 But of course something like this would do that but you have to allow for the jitter as well and this sort of algorithm might might be the way to do it .
11 Obviously we do not want to be in two minds up to the last day and he would n't do that but there is quite a a period of discretion where the time gets shorter and er he would have to make a judgement .
12 So the public do n't do that but I just thought I 'd like to show you how how .
13 I mean they ai n't sort of I mean what they could force you to do if they really , I mean they would never do that but what they could force you to do or Les to do would be to check with all those people who I 've actually sort of made payments to , to make sure that I have .
14 And er the planning people said no , we wo n't let you do that but you can knock the barn down
15 Well we did n't do that but
16 Well there was er the one who had the most important influence in my school life was Albert Edward , do you remember the printers , he was a teacher and he used to teach standard four , that was your last standard in the junior , and he had a big influence on , on me because er he wanted me to go into the printing trade as an apprentice , but I , me leaving school at thirteen and going into full-time work straight away I could n't do , do that but oh there was er , , he was an officer during the war he was in the and there was oh our , our school teacher , we used to call , we used to call him his name was actually Arthur I think , but he was always , he was a little bit addicted to the lit little whisky bottle , he used to keep a little bottle in his desk and he 'd be having a nip of whisky , but he was what was approximated as a sports master now , he used to look after the football team , we used to call him , I suppose his name was Arthur but his name was .
17 I can do that but I ca n't take it out of the socket .
18 ‘ McIniff was blackguard enough to do that but you 'd think that at least he 'd be ashamed to tell it . ’
19 If you would like to do that but do n't know who to ask , have a word with me ( I 'll come ! ) .
20 Erm it 's it 's quite an interesting erm er , addition to the er original proposal but clearly members will need to take a view as to whether er they want erm the Environment Trust to do that but erm , er what I would suggest is that we bring back er , some final proposals from Environment Trust at the next meeting er , for members to have a look at .
21 I 'm prepared to do that but unfortunately colleagues I 've forgotten .
22 So I always try to do that but I , I , again I find that it 's very erm very tiring and it 's very , gets very can get very involved with it , so I would like us , I 'd like you to think of the idea of a social secretary to help with the raffles and organizing what 's going on at the meetings please .
23 I I I mean I do n't think you need to do that but er that 's my response to your question .
24 Er did n't take me too long to do that but certainly did about my my views on advertising .
25 Er , my Lord may I say that er in relation to the witness statement erm , clearly the credibility of this , the plaintiff Mr is going to be substantially in issue er and therefore er I propose er not to simply to tell him er and say erm in your witness statement your evidence erm but clearly to take him to those areas which are in dispute and to ask him to deal fully with them in I appreciate it 's going to erm take some time to do that but it is important in my submission that your Lordship has the ability to er assess the plaintiffs .
26 They covered everything they to do that but they just if I 'd have just read that without knowing what had happened you know I
27 So do n't encourage the people to do that but that is true if it 's so valued you would have thought there would have been an outcry , there has n't been .
28 Erm I was , I , I thought that , when you covered all the policies you then went through and summarized all the needs and I thought you were n't going to go back and , and er explore further so what you did is you covered all the policies and then you summarized everything and then explored all the needs and s and at one point I thought that you were n't actually going to do that but you did come back and do it , you just did it in a different way .
29 You know I 'll watch them and think maybe I 'd like to do that but not , not , you know , judging , not sort of using them as a kind of measure stick you know to judge everybody by .
30 I used to do that but
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