Example sentences of "do not [art] " in BNC.

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1 A little smoke and a couple of pills doth not a junkie make .
2 Doth not the good father in short time , either by his coughing or spitting or testiness … become troublesome either to his own son or to his nice daughter-in-law , with continuing so long chargeable and so much waited-on , or to the children , with taking up their room at the fire or at the table , or to the servants , while his slow eating doth scant their reversions ?
3 cos we done not a lot this morning like I just sort of be zombies , I 'm sure we could do play with
4 After all , did not a distinguished predecessor of mine write an important book in the 1950s entitled Fundamentalism and the Word of God ?
5 Her eyes never left his , the woman 's , and she did not a damn thing to cross her legs or put her hands across her breasts .
6 The dealers and auctioneers are clearly dishonest men , for did not the newspapers contain , almost daily , stories of this or that forgotten family possession , found in an attic or lumber room or trunk , and fetching colossal sums ?
7 Many of those who rode along the line from Stockton to Darlington on that day ‘ did not the night before sleep a wink …
8 On 10 May 1794 , Huntingford wrote to the Speaker of the House of Commons ( who had himself been elected a vice-president of the College ) as follows : ‘ Honble Sir , I should not have taken the liberty of troubling you on the subject of the Veterinary College did not the recent business of Wm Stone who stands charged with High Treason prove the cause of his exerting himself to my prejudice in favor of M Vial the late Professor , to be that he might establish a French Connection in that Institution in order that he might through the channel carry on his correspondence with the enemy .
9 But America does not look like a disorganised company most of whose workers do not have a boss ; or at least it did not the last time it deserved worldwide respect .
10 However they were threatened that if they did not the Abbey would be burnt down .
11 As the DTI had failed to act when it had known of irregularities within the firm , did not the Government have a moral obligation towards the dupes ?
12 Did not the road lead uphill all the way to Olympus ?
13 And on a wider scale , theorists maintained that life amounted to the survival of the fittest : did not the Beesley hypothesis prove that the ‘ fittest ’ were merely the most cunning ?
14 Did not the master ‘ gain an advantage out of the continuing relationship ’ with the sailors ?
15 Did not the patients charter cost £2 million to publicise and launch and was it not £2 million worth of Conservative propaganda ?
16 In view of that , did not the Secretary of State pause to conclude that whatever NATO may require , there is no requirement for the United Kingdom to have its own tactical air-to-surface missile ?
17 Did not the remarks made yesterday by my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer reinforce that policy ?
18 If it is true , as alleged by Labour Members , that the 1908 Act is so essential for safety today , why did not the previous Labour Government enforce it ?
19 I said that , as brewers never sell beer at a loss , why did not the brewers knock £30 or £40 off the price of a barrel to the tenants of their tied houses in the first place ?
20 Did not the former Prime Minister memorably state that there was no such thing as society , only individuals ?
21 Did not the car , when it stopped here , pick up a fine young woman ? ’
22 WALTER SISULU will have cause in the coming days to reflect , perhaps not for the first time , that stone walls do not a prison make .
23 Four walls do not a prison make , Bernice reminded herself tentatively .
24 Do not a Tory Government make VAT rises a certainty ?
25 Differences in terminology do not disguise-the similarity of views expressed by Tillich and Gandhi on the question of the status of particular religions .
26 The ‘ appearance ’ is of the wall stopping just as it reaches the board ; but do not the input systems deliver up the information that the wall continues behind the occluder ?
27 Do not the ghosts of the drowned
28 But if the second view is accurate do not the rogues become another clear instance of transgression contained , of a subculture which has internalized the structures and values of the dominant culture ?
29 Why do not the Bishops of England and Wales sit down and ask themselves why there is a shortage of priests , why there are not many vocations , and why laity are lapsing in numbers , including many young people ?
30 If they do not the risks are considerable as decisions may be made without the benefit of comprehensive observations and specialist experience .
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