Example sentences of "do i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'll do me sums .
2 Opal Fruits and things like that I could of got them that but of course a great big bag of Minstrels , you could n't just let them rummage through that , so what I done I took a couple of handfuls out and put them in here
3 Well I mean , everybody goes to Robert does their off shore survival which takes you into helicopter survival and l launching lifeboats off the platform and life rafts ev and er that done I mean you get your certificates and what not for that and everybody is to get refresher courses every two or three years , I 'm not really sure which .
4 well it never has done I mean that , it 's always been like that I 've never had
5 I said well I 'll be quite honest mate , there 's two hundred people working in this factory and I said , if you think that e all the charge hands and the supervisors have got to come down and roll up you lot to get the job done I said you turn round and you think if you was in business , whatever it is you like to do , if you 're in business and you 've got an order and that order 's got ta be out by six o'clock tonight and you 've got ta grovel to your workers otherwise you 'd lose that order , I said what would you say ?
6 When it 's done I hope to interest the Church in a mission to the gipsies . ’
7 Well we have done I felt sorry cos I had n't really when she phoned me up over there I was up I thought oh my God !
8 The final text has ‘ When all 's said and done I 've got the habits of a decent man ’ .
9 I 've done I 've done the ten one .
10 as oh that 's good , I feel that they 're now acid and alkalis , seem to be important , I 've done I 've put a lot of effort into them , maybe just a quick glance at those occasionally to keep up to date .
11 And when I 've expanded and I 've told you then I then come back to my ending and I say , okay so what I 've done I 've told you about three aspects of flying , about the safety of it , ab about the costs involved in taking part in flying and about the enjoyment you 're gon na get out of flying and I hope that I 've persuaded you that you will come along on Saturday to take part , and that 's the ending .
12 erm I 've got to get that done I 've got to alter the christening dress alter the , cuffs on the little jacket and make a bib do you think I 'll get all that done in three months ?
13 I have done I 've
14 Never done I 've never made a bomb .
15 Me , I I mean , I 've done I 've done no work today because I went out to collect some stuff of a friend this morning and by the time I came in it was quarter past ten and I 'd gone out at ten to nine so I 'd missed the schools
16 I 've done I 've done an hour this morning and it 's just about jiggered me .
17 When he had done I followed him out of the room and shut the door .
18 oh I said we 'll try and see if we can get it done I says , so
19 Well on the Wittering job he said he wanted somebody there you know er myself as manager to oversee the job but on the Sheffield Wednesday job , incidentally I 'd I got the contract from them both , the Sheffield Wednesday job was done I 'd only ever had to visit it once and that was at my request not at anybody else 's and either way both erm the Wittering and the Sheffield Wednesday er there have been other drivers going .
20 Yeah , I found , only because I went out one night , and , it was when Mike was still next door and what I 'd done I 'd locked him in the back room and he said he was howling
21 No , Melissa , what have I done , shit what have I done I thought , oh my God , what have I done .
22 No I want it actually done I want you
23 But at last it was done I rose wearily to my feet and leaned against the wall , my mouth hanging open , sweat trickling into my eyes .
24 Very very well done I think it all Erm there was one other thing I thought I would ask .
25 my Lord I think so yes , erm if I can just say this I understand on the structures that a letter has been , er , an offer has been made by a letter erm of the structure and obviously there would be and that , that was done I think some time ago , erm and it might be my Lord how to what sort of structure is , but , but , erm I think from our side , erm we , we 've taken the first step and we 're going
26 So we 've er we 've done I think what we can er as a party about that motorway project and er there will doubtless be more to do .
27 erm he is a member of Vanroch Caerphilly at URC and has done I think he is currently at and erm have felt a gentle call emerging over the last few years and erm all started in Cambridge , that 's about it , that 's all I can say .
28 the best one I 've ever done I think
29 She got this pink wool like angora twenty five pence a ball , so she started that , then she come on er , no Tuesday , with that she bought some needles cos if she 'd of had some more needles I could of done this one for er , now she 's got the back and er sleeve done I think , half a sleeve done I think
30 She got this pink wool like angora twenty five pence a ball , so she started that , then she come on er , no Tuesday , with that she bought some needles cos if she 'd of had some more needles I could of done this one for er , now she 's got the back and er sleeve done I think , half a sleeve done I think
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