Example sentences of "do be [be] " in BNC.

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1 It 's no good Lyn , no , what I 'll do is is exercise .
2 All you got ta do is is just phone up and give them your
3 Now the wrinkles are starting to show , all I can do is be good to myself .
4 All they can do is be at the radio station on time , and play their funky music whenever placed on a stage .
5 All you can do is be as honest as possible and go , ‘ Are you bored with doing this ? ’
6 All you can do is be supportive … ’
7 All I reckon we can do is be grateful for the good service , as you say Tim , and get on with what 's left — and that is quite a lot .
8 The best you can do is be as careful as it 's possible to be . ’
9 Erm and er that it 's maybe very important at a time like this when children are potentially going and and knocking on stranger 's doors to be particularly careful so what we 've done is is is put together a simple guide for parents and carers erm which suggests that er they should n't just let their children go off for the evening .
10 Erm , what we have done is is because what is important is to look at that particular and try and get as good an estimate as we can because , let's face it , if we over-budget then in fact we 're wasting money which could otherwise be really targeted on community resources .
11 What what we 've done is is is print our names in capital letters there .
12 But there was a one day in which Frenchie Nick Nicholson erm brought all the tail-enders across and had been told the one thing he should n't do was be last he was thinking I 'm not last and behind you then he came in in front of him and he was last .
13 The first thing to do is is it making an E sound this I E ?
14 And what it 's actually to do is is to do with this National Standards and Indicators that have been written for the careers service .
15 Erm I think what the N S P C C by by bringing out this particular information to help parents and carers with trick or treat , is wanting to do is is to make sure that the fun that children are wanting to have does n't actually go badly wrong .
16 I what I have come here today to do is is in the matters that we 're discussing , to take out any commitment to an outer northern .
17 Now I 've got four letter Ps to do with the voice er and what I want to do is is think about the comparison of aspects of the voice when we have a normal one to one conversation and compare that with the same aspects when we 're making a presentation standing in front of a group .
18 I think what we 've got to do , one of the things we 've got to do is is it 's alright talking about a steward as an A N other , but I think we 've got ta know where the A N other is .
19 The thing to do is is to sort of er plot to overthrow parliament or something and see if there 's any reaction !
20 And what our colleagues in County Durham again in Northumberland we were able to do is was this was all in place .
21 ‘ All you have to do is be black and do n't curse the Jews directly , and the Jew will vote for the black in a second .
22 What I want to do is be part of something that does . ’
23 The last thing I would want to do is be unkind to people who have given me an extremely successful show .
24 All I have to do is be fully committed to the Lord 's work and He will show me what I can do .
25 All you have to do is be alert and take those few basic precautions .
26 That the world is not divided into 2 classes of people — one who run private care for nasty reasons — and another group who work in the statutory service for all the good reasons , and that what we have to do is be prepared to step outside of those kinds of labelling and look at what we are seeing , look at the needs of the people we are trying to help make provision for and see what best can be done out of the resources available .
27 All you have to do is be as good as gold for a week .
28 It would be madness for me to refuse you through hurt pride when all I want to do is be with you , as I have just found out . ’
29 My believe is what P P G is inviting local authorities to do is be cautious in proposing them , they should not be regarded as a first option , or an easy option , they should be cautious in proposing them .
30 Oh well okay , the other we 've got to do is be in the situation where you 've had a look at it before we all see it .
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