Example sentences of "they [num ord] come " in BNC.

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1 On 2 February ACAS published a draft report and finally in March 1977 , six months after they first came on the scene , they published the full report on Grunwick recommending recognition of APEX .
2 When they first came , they came and padlocked the building , and some of the news reporters that were there , said ‘ What are you laughing about ? ’
3 It is best reached by continuing along the road , now unenclosed , until near Leck Fell House when a steep scramble up the hillside ends in the company of the three massive cairns that will have plagued the curiosity since they first came in sight earlier .
4 Bert was full of praise for the quality of craftsmanship on the example which he had when they first came out ( he was one of the six guitarists on the committee involved in the design of Höfner 's ‘ Committee ’ guitar ) , and told us that he had used one for a couple of his hits — Big Beat Boogie and Sorry Robbie …
5 We 're collecting all the information , all the reviews , every album review from all the periodicals , every piece of stuff , so you can trace it all chronologically ; how things were received when they first came out .
6 I bought an Amstrad PCW when they first came on the market , and sterling service it has given me .
7 When they first came to this country — like my mum , when she first came she said she could n't find a place to live because people did n't want black people on their premises .
8 When they first came into existence in the late 1970s , the proportion of advanced work which they offered and , therefore their claim truly to be regarded as institutions of higher education , depended on their inheritances from their previous colleges .
9 ‘ It is a story of the Myrcans , and of the time when they first came to Minginish to take service with the people of the Vale and the Dales . ’
10 ‘ I think you met her when they first came into the diocese at Hereward 's induction . ’
11 ‘ We are looking for members of the Asian community who can provide memories of when they first came into the area , how they got employment , how the locals opened up to them , their first impressions of Britain and the problems of racism they may have encountered . ’
12 ( Arguably had they carried out their duties properly when they first came across Rodney King the same would have applied ) .
13 And er god you should of heard him , god if it ai n't Ross all over again , mummy , mummy and she left him there , as I said when they first came he was in the far bedroom , well now I suppose with all these people she 's rearranged it indoors and he 's in the one next to our house , and she 's shouting at him and er it went on how , I ca n't tell you how long , I mean , Bev and I was talking through bedrooms you know
14 I had Q T erm granules when they first came out , and they were the most revolting
15 ‘ You help assess a client when they first come to the Home .
16 Often there are two tiers of coat pegs for the children to use and many who ‘ ca n't quite reach ’ when they first come to school , can use them easily two or three terms later .
17 When they first come over here it was probably all right .
18 Oh they 've come down in price from when I 'm talking about , when they first come first out , they were quite a lot , a lot more
19 This research project examines the experience of ethnic minority children at the point where they first come into contact with educational system , ie in nursery schools .
20 One of the first questions you get asked of anybody when they first come on a training course here , er , certainly a sort of foundation course , is that somebody writes up on the board there T N T , and says what does that stand for ?
21 Patients like Peter Dawson are often in an agitated state when they first come into hospital … their first port of call may be the seclusion room .
22 The same with videos when they first come out was n't it ?
23 After everybody drinks when they first come in yeah ?
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