Example sentences of "they [that] the " in BNC.

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1 It was perfectly clear to all four of them that the forensic skills , the intellectual abilities , the sheer weight of grey cellular matter , the brutalizing experience of countless similar quests , possessed by the real experts was infinitely greater than that of the mere professionals .
2 These groups , like all élites , have no previous perception of themselves as belonging to the troublesome classes , and it does not do for the police to remind them that the application of control can be redirected depending on who is defining the ‘ illegalities ’ .
3 A parody and a paradox : it is by their very inertia in the ways of the social laid out for them that the masses go beyond its logic and its limits , and destroy its whole edifice .
4 In the meantime all those due to appear in the FA Cup third round in the New Year have received a letter from Lancaster Gate reminding them that the FA has the power to throw them out of the competition if their players become involved in mass brawls .
5 If a union decided to repudiate a strike , it had to write to all its members taking part in the strike to tell them that the union would give no support , and that they risked dismissal without compensation if the strike continued .
6 I told them that the grand piano was two feet too short and DeFries said , ‘ Cancel the gig — no gig . ’
7 It does not move them that the cost of looking after the hundreds of thousands of Thais who are likely to be infected by 1995 will far exceed that of a few cancelled holidays .
8 It is unsure of its policies , and has been slow to recruit members and persuade them that the time for talks has come .
9 Mr Milken offered a stamp of approval to both sides : investors trusted that he offered only good deals , not bad ones ; takeover bidders and bank lenders to the bids got a ‘ comfort letter ’ from Mr Milken assuring them that the finance would be there if the takeover went ahead .
10 Both Weighell and Buckton would have preferred more , but the statement persuaded them that the Government did have its heart in the future of the railway system .
11 He would n't tell them that the friend did n't exist , that she was dead , and that there was only the house that Mrs Wright visited and put flowers in .
12 When Mark reminded them that the plant was relatively new and that with the exception of the American Managing Director and Treasurer , was manned throughout by Irish men and women , they countered with , ‘ Ah yes , but it 's the Trade unions , you see . ’
13 The following Spring , a still shaken Khrushchev called a group of writers to his dacha outside Moscow and told them that the Hungarian rising could have been avoided if a few writers had been shot in time .
14 It seemed incongruous to them that the sweet teenager they knew was not only surviving life in the toughest of all trades .
15 It does n't matter to them that the so-called ‘ Stars ’ setting out next week on a gruelling four-month tour are no such thing .
16 Few would dispute that travel broadens the mind , but with basic school fees at the top independent boarding schools at around £10,000 a year and some of these trips costing as much as £2,000 , many hard-pressed parents admit they have come to dread the arrival of the letter informing them that the cricket 1st XI is to visit Zimbabwe .
17 They said plans by the giant American Anheuser-Busch , brewer of American Budweiser , to take a 30 per cent stake in its pint-pot Czech rival should be rejected , and warned them that the US firm sought outright ownership .
18 The stewards inquired into his running but Richard Dunwoody could only tell them that the favourite was ‘ never going .
19 But the bishops would not apologise for nor retract the letter , and Mr Tembo could not convince them that the Congress Party had the right to pass death sentences upon them .
20 As for confining his work to under 6,000 people areas , he would remind the Board that the terms of his appointment stated ‘ he will be expected to exercise general supervision over the work of the Board in Norfolk and in particular to assist in the development of Adult Education in rural areas ’ ; he would also remind them that the Board decided that his Statutory Tutorial Class should be in Norwich .
21 I have now , through your lordship 's favour , the satisfaction of seeing them cultivated in my neighbourhood , by the skilful hand of my friend , Mr. Miller , and shall take the first opportunity of describing and engraving them that the public may see how much they are indebted to your lordship .
22 Fraser McLuskey kindly confirmed my belief that Leslie had indeed been in ‘ A ’ Squadron — it was with them that the Padre had dropped into France , and with them that he had carried out his ministry deep behind enemy lines .
23 It evidently did not occur to them that the people of Auckland felt the same .
24 I have to tell them that the only way we can meet our targets is an absolute freeze .
25 He later reiterated the warning and told them that the police would have to see that the prohibition order was enforced .
26 Readers hardly need me to remind them that the simple but magnificent monument at the head of Loch Shiel is to commemorate the 1745 Jacobite rebellion against English domination .
27 There were so many of them that the strain of trying to recognise each one started to give him a headache .
28 To suggest to them that the skin is capable of absorbing essential oils by diffusing them across the fine blood capillaries ( under the surface of the skin ) and into the main bloodstream is bound to meet with a certain amount of scepticism , if not ridicule .
29 When he told them that the Government could have used more oil at the power stations this summer and so built up coal stocks for the winter against a possible strike , but had n't , they merely retorted , ‘ More fool you ’ and thanked him for letting them know how strong their position was .
30 Prefaced by an ‘ urgent remonstrance ’ to the gentlemen of England , warning them that the young Queen Victoria 's announcement of her intention to marry Prince Albert may lead to great numbers of her female subjects taking a similar nuptial initiative owing to Leap Year of 1840 ( traditionally a woman could make a proposal of marriage only in a leap year ) .
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