Example sentences of "they [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Now Mill seems to be very unsure what to do about this because he does n't want to say that the poor should be disenfranchised , because after all everyone is entitled to their say in government , but he does seem to be worried that if the poor are given an equal say or the uned uneducated poor are given an equal say , then they will make a very bad decision , a decision which is against their own interests and this is one reason why he favours plural voting because he recognizes that the numerical majority might make a erm wrong decision , so we should make sure that the numerical majority do n't have sway in a democratic process by giving another client more weight in it so he seems to between wanting to disenfranchise them altogether which he seems to consider and just emasculating their vote by giving other people more votes .
2 Maybe if we were teaching them properly they would know how to protest without just resorting to violence or vandalism of some type , without the first step being breaking the rules ; but we do n't .
3 He said ‘ if we were teaching them properly they would know how to protest … ’
4 ‘ But then , for those things that are more filled out , to do them properly you 'd really have to get a few musicians out there .
5 Well when they was feeding these up , you could have one for yourself as long as you let the government have one , see , and er , er , of course the next to feed a pig up , see , but er , I mean if you could fed them properly you could erm , perhaps get one ready in er , six to nine months you see , and er , which would be a , a good bacon pig like , if you fed it er , correctly .
6 You ca n't see them properly I 'm sure you
7 Just just a And you 'd to set them right We had to set them that they 've stayed like that .
8 They used to come out every summer to Southmoor , where I lived , to pick the hops and work on the local market garden and erm I agree with whoever said if you treat them right they 'll treat you right .
9 serves them right my makes you wan na fucking cry do n't it , ah ?
10 No break them Right you want me to go and get the other drink in now , you say ?
11 When she rubbed them clear he was no longer there .
12 They actually relocated people out of cities , they did n't really kill them off , just put them somewhere nobody else wants to be .
13 If so he would give them all plenty to do off 10–11 .
14 Naturally he could n't answer them all himself , so Post Office staff lent a hand and every kid who wrote to him got a reply , postmarked Reindeerland or Santaland .
15 Nicholas received them all himself , saying that ‘ It might be hoped that they came for their own good or his own , for he lived to make himself or others better . ’
16 My problem is that I like to make the things but ca n't possibly eat them all myself .
17 I will personally see them all myself and talk them into offering us their business again . ’
18 I had them all myself from the former British monopoly , the Central Electricity Generating Board , when I was the minister responsible for the day-to-day operations involved in privatising the British electricity industry : ‘ the integrity of the system ’ , the need to ensure the adequacy of contra power or ‘ vars ’ , safety considerations , the impossibility of storing electricity — all excellent points in themselves , but each fully capable of being accommodated in a competitive system such as has been invented , at least in embryo , in Britain .
19 In order to understand them better we therefore need to examine their influence ; and this process of investigation also leads to elaboration .
20 But if you talk to them nicely you can which we mostly do .
21 And , and er then that midwife would po call and see them perhaps one well they call at six months just to make sure ev ev everything was alright .
22 In the preceding section we emphasised the fact that revelation in Scripture is ‘ receptor-orientated ’ , not in the sense of affirming the hearers by telling them only what they want to hear , but by speaking specifically to their situation so that they can not miss what they need to hear .
23 She was to leave behind three of the youngest children , the last a ‘ sickly babe ’ born less than six months before their departure ; they were to take with them only their eldest son , John Henry , who was by then seven years old , and Mrs Gould 's nephew , Henry Coxen , whom the couple had taken on when his father died in 1825 .
24 pay for them So everything starts Monday does it ?
25 So mum and dad have half of that third they 'd share it out between them so they got
26 So here 's the hypothesis to explain that ellipsis is confined to constituents where constituents are just what they sound like , genuine components of a larger thing which is signalled by sticking brackets , labelled brackets round them so they make a phrase and you can do certain things with them .
27 group to go in and to spell them so they can talk to individual kids .
28 It 's either the job or something means they 've got ta go away or they ca n't afford , they ca n't sell them so they I do n't know if that would make your income different if you were still paying a mortgage .
29 It 's all right for them because their kids can go on holiday with them so they 've got no problems .
30 Mind they can get them so they lamb any time now ca n't they ?
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