Example sentences of "they [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is overladen with tear-jerking moments , most of them centred on a big eyed calf that Crystal , roped in as mid- wife , delivers onscreen in the film 's only spot of blood and gore .
2 Back at her flat , though , she made herself a cup of tea and was able to give her thoughts free rein — all of them centred on Naylor Massingham .
3 Badger gassing , the infallible and humane method of killing them recommended by Lord Zuckerman was stopped on the grounds that it was fallible and inhumane .
4 Take a drive in the country during the hedgehog season and you will see the remains of thousands of them splattered across the roads .
5 Corbett thought it was mere drunken bravado when one of them lunged across the table and uproar ensued as food , cups and flagons of wine and ale were sent sprawling .
6 For five months , the two of them lived with her mother in Brighton .
7 All of them lived with a nervous expectation that it could happen to them .
8 The four of them lived in one house with the father of the two men .
9 The huge majority of them lived in rented houses in North Oxford .
10 Some of them lived in a rented house , while the Taiwan Ten took over the garage and yard .
11 Bartlemas had an enormous private income , and the pair of them lived in a tall Victorian house in Islington , which was filled to the brim with play-bills , prints , prompt copies , figurines and other souvenirs of their two heroes .
12 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
13 There were three of them seated in the wardroom , Talbot , Van Gelder and Grierson .
14 Matilda took the knife she had been eating with , and all four of them crept towards the dining-room door , the father keeping well behind the others .
15 The three of them rode to the bank of the river , dismounted , then slipped quickly through the underbrush .
16 ‘ There are no provisions for new ideas , so I keep them posted in my office until I need them , ’ he said .
17 An average ant colony might use around 12 different types of signal , most of them conveyed by means of chemical ‘ pheromones ’ secreted on to the ground by various glands and then sniffed in the air by other ants .
18 The glass before them became like a mirror for the briefest time but it was a distorting , ghost-train mirror , more shadow than substance-with his mind adding hallucinatory details to the little that he could see .
19 One of them slouched in her seat making a great show of what she thought of the event .
20 Each one of them exterminated in Sobibor , the photograph fluttering into a pile of a thousand personal papers and documents with tens of thousands of spectacles and hundreds of thousands of shoes and boots — to be salvaged or burnt and either way lost for ever .
21 Conservationists have expressed concern over the future of Britain 's peatlands because a deal aimed at preserving them agreed in January 1992 [ see ED 55 ] has still not been signed and could be abandoned .
22 Talk of magic in the Western World as a spent force : self-congratulatory accounts of cults that had been infiltrated , and discovered to be groups of pseudo-scientists exchanging arcane theories in a language no two of them agreed upon , or sexual obsessives using the excuse of workings to demand favours they could n't seduce from their partners or , most often , crazies in search of some mythology , however ludicrous , to keep them from complete psychosis .
23 Most of them arose as a result of an all-Russian phenomenon in 1922 — the lack of co-ordination and exchange of information between the centre and the localities , together with nonchalant neglect of provincial problems so long as they did not affect central political issues .
24 In my own section , towards the middle of the cloakroom , I saw to my horror two lines of girls staring at me and giggling , and as I came near , one of them asked in a sarcastic voice where I came from .
25 The men drank beer from the bottles , and one of them passed round the cigarettes he had bought on the flight , and the blond girl contributed a half-bottle of Stock brandy .
26 The bomb-bay of a Mosquito was too small to accommodate so large a bomb , and they had to carry them slung underneath the fuselage with the bomb doors open .
27 Two of them succeeded in capsizing their dinghies .
28 They were that girls thought 16 was the right age to lose their virginity and that 75 per cent of them admitted to saying yes to sex when they really wanted to say no .
29 There will eventually be 10 zones in all , each of them designated in an area of particularly high unemployment .
30 They brought their families , some of them intermarried with time-expired soldiers who chose to settle here , too , and it grew into a real , life-and-death town , where everyone had a stake sunk so deep that when the legions started to leave , the locals still could n't get out .
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