Example sentences of "they [vb past] [that] " in BNC.

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1 All of them agreed that Mrs Shaw who was ‘ one of the best ’ , helped Mr Shaw tremendously with his plays .
2 Women who told me that their partners accused them of using tears to manipulate them agreed that there were times when they deliberately wept , but said that it was often the only way they could get their partner 's attention .
3 Both of them realised that he had abandoned all pretence that Sally-Anne was an ordinary young woman come to work in Vetch Street , but neither of them pursued the matter , Dr Neil from delicacy , and Sally-Anne because she could not tell him the real truth about herself — he would undoubtedly immediately send her back to the embassy , and she did not want that at all — it would be failure .
4 of them revealed that they had been the victims of marital rape .
5 When I first met the car manufacturers , they did not appear to be taking the matter very seriously at all , but my last meeting with them revealed that they are now much more prepared to make their cars more secure .
6 He bought a quantity believing they were Ecstasy , but when he tried them found that they were another drug altogether .
7 Five of the twenty-seven staff who made written responses gave the book two stars for pupil popularity , i.e. ‘ very popular ’ ; two of them reported that girls had complained about ‘ having to read about male heroes ’ and that The Machine Gunners , which ‘ girls see as a boy 's book ’ , had frequently been the impetus for such comments .
8 None of them doubted that they would eventually get to Greece .
9 One was that all people knew about me was that I was making trouble about the caravan site and a lot of them assumed that because it was at the bottom of my own garden , I must naturally be on ‘ their side ’ , whatever my political colour : that is , I wanted the site disbanded .
10 Archaeologists who first came across them assumed that since these ‘ earth houses ’ were so small , their inhabitants must have been midgets .
11 Some of them added that they thought the TBC paid too little attention to the speeches of politicians : this was to be a frequent complaint .
12 The students from that time remembered a man with a sharp sense of the ridiculous ; who ragged them but was too shy to be intimate with them though they liked him much for his friendliness and his humour ; who was famous for long , sudden , and embarrassing silences ; who was so eccentric that none of them believed that he could later be a man of distinction in England or his Church ; a man who loved theology — they never met anywhere else a man who so loved theology , and who regarded theology as the highest intellectual activity for humanity ; a fierce defender of liberty of opinion , for Marxists as for anyone else ; whose principal theme was the glory of God , and who was evidently touched by his ideas of Plato ; who did not give the impression of a mind of exceptional ability — there was not enough knife in the mind — but who gave the impression of being an exceptional person ; who disturbed other people 's prayers in chapel with convulsive fidgets and sudden face-rubbings — they regarded him as tense in his devotions and were afraid of a nervous breakdown ; who had a manifest and rare mystical sense of the immediate presence of God , a presence so brilliant that it could almost overpower .
13 Many of them believed that they were failing to find jobs because they were too old and a large number of the older respondents had become reconciled to the prospect of never working again .
14 All the fathers of the early church saw the Devil as holding rights over this world , but some of them believed that God had to pay him his dues in order to win back the world .
15 Some of them believed that it would be brought about by an ideal representative of God , an anointed one , a Messiah ( see chapter 8 ) .
16 Many of them believed that Eldorado 's launch in July was six months too early .
17 Some of them believed that NASA had arranged it all for precisely that reason .
18 Neither of them believed that mankind was equal , or could ever be so , or would ever seriously wish to be so .
19 In particular , the international projection of nationally-headquartered firms ' corporate identity is a vexed issue : Siegel & Gale 's new survey of 50 leading Hungarian companies , for example , found that if all of them believed that a company 's image was important to building sales , most would also rather do business with German 's sharply-etched Volkswagen that with fuzzy French concerns .
20 of them believed that recession would get worse under a Labour Government , and not one of them believed that it would get better .
21 of them believed that recession would get worse under a Labour Government , and not one of them believed that it would get better .
22 ‘ Some of them figured that I played Headless Horseman on bass — y'know … the weirdest concepts !
23 Since the existing rules applied to a serf-based society , suspending them implied that the social order on which they depended was to be altered .
24 Some of them urged that the imperfections of the creation cohere with those of the Hebrew scriptures , of which they held a low opinion .
25 A group of Puritans who felt that the Church of England was too close to the Roman Catholic Church had left England and gone to the Netherlands ; they noticed with regret that their children were becoming Dutch in speech and habits , and some of them decided that their best prospect of remaining both godly and English was to get in touch with the Plymouth merchants , obtain from them financial support and the legal right to found a colony , and go somewhere in America where English bishops would not interfere with them .
26 In fact some of them swore that they saw a phantom train roaring into or out of Box Hill Tunnel ; of course the sceptics laughed their heads off at such a far-fetched tale but the more psychic were inclined to accept the men 's story .
27 But by 1850 some of them saw that the linen trade , and particularly the demand for sailcloth , might decline .
28 Or it may have been that , looking at that blueprint form , some of them saw that something more could be done with it .
29 As to coming together for further talks , I think that I speak for all those who were involved in the talks in the summer , which we concluded , when I say that those who took part in them felt that they were valuable and looked forward to the possibility of being able to hold talks again .
30 Second , other employees who had gone to the canteen on commencing a shift had not been dismissed and none of them knew that they risked that penalty .
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