Example sentences of "they [prep] just " in BNC.

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1 Pleasure boats , but people could use them for just getting around anywhere ?
2 No he 's keeping them for just fun cars for himself , he 's just got the money to burn over there
3 The evidence that there is just one kind of cell which generates all the blood cell types — a multipotential stem cell — comes from destroying the stem cells of mice and then replacing them with just stem cells .
4 And although the margin of defeat at Villa Park was slender , Graham labelled his team as ‘ an easy touch ’ after a performance which leaves them with just two points from their last seven games and now a 10-1 title bet .
5 He and Adam went into the house where they managed to scrounge up fifteen quid between the two of them , leaving them with just enough to cover the petrol for Goblander to get home on .
6 But if you can get them with just a , an orange or a lemon sorbet .
7 It would leave them with just three more qualifiers to close the series and all of them to be played in Ireland against Lithuania in September , Spain in October and Northern Ireland , in Belfast , in November .
8 A signal device the size and shape of a small jam jar is used to find tumours and create a 3-D picture of them in just minutes .
9 ‘ But we limited them to just a couple of chances .
10 London hardly set foot in their own half in that second half , but , with Morris constantly exhorting his forwards and putting in key tackles , the North restricted them to just one Rob Andrew penalty goal .
11 And it took a lot of persuasion for them to just admit that . ’
12 And I think it 's unfair of them , I think it 's irresponsible of them to just criticise detailed budgets that are well thought out like ours , like ours always were
13 You know , they told me , and the they were on , and they were like they really expected them to just make up and they started having a fight !
14 Well you ca n't expect them to just sit .
15 We make them at just under a pound but what the record companies charge for them in the shops is up to them
16 Beating them by just three runs .
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