Example sentences of "on her [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The warmth of his body , his cradling arms , were still having their softening effect on her physically , so she tried even harder to whip up her rage and indignation .
2 ‘ I took her to Anglesey , ’ says Christine , ‘ where we have a house , and where I could concentrate on her completely .
3 It was somewhat of a disappointment to her vengeful mind to consider that he might have taken yesterday 's omen to heart , and prudently drawn in his horns , resigning his pretensions on her rather than venture even token opposition to the fiat of the prince and his governor .
4 On her right stood an empty cottage , fast becoming derelict .
5 On her right the green meadow was full of cows .
6 ‘ What 's your part of the country like then ? ’ pursued Mrs Yaxlee who , once embarked on her hostessly duties , followed them to the end .
7 The continuous propaganda meted out by Romanian radio and television jarred on her staunchly Tory mind .
8 Someone was half a length behind her on her outside but Kelly sensed that she had more in hand than he did .
9 His eyes seemed to fasten on her immediately and Maggie had the irritated feeling that he had been given a very uncomplimentary description of her .
10 The eyes turned on her again .
11 Marco was moving in on her again .
12 She stood there dejectedly looking at him , convinced that he would never want to lay eyes on her again .
13 Instead she glanced across at Hitch and found his gaze on her again .
14 This was her brain playing tricks on her again .
15 He greeted her , his eyes falling on her again for an instant and then skittering away .
16 Her breath caught , and she sent him a startled look and , as her heart gave a merry flutter to see that his dark-eyed glance , dark and good-humoured if she was not mistaken , was on her again , ‘ Are you inviting me to call you — Vendelin ? ’ she dared , and hardly believed that it could be so .
17 Mr Arsmtrong said : ‘ She said she thought he was going to start on her again so she went into the kitchen to get a knife and while her husband had his back turned she pushed the knife into his lower back .
18 Never had a colour on her again .
19 She was aware that his attention was focusing too strongly and too disconcertingly on her again .
20 Then she peered at him over the barrier of her firmly folded arms and expressed a thought that had occurred to her before , but that now she felt impress itself on her even more strongly .
21 A girl who wore her long dark hair loose , who practically lived in jeans and sweatshirts , and who always seemed to have a couple of paint stains on her somewhere because she was trying to scrape a living by producing exquisitely detailed illustrations for books .
22 Everywhere she turned , whatever she was doing , Laura was almost tangibly aware of his hard grey eyes focused on her increasingly nervous figure .
23 She rose on to her knees and looked as though she was praying , but her eyes were fully open and the clenched look on her remarkably white face with its mannish black eyebrows suddenly reminded him of her dead mother .
24 As she entered the narrow lane , the soot-blackened buildings seemed to close in on her threateningly .
25 Fleeting images of Ace masterfully entering her room , of him delightfully forcing his attentions on her slowly died as she finally made herself ready for bed .
26 I would not inflict on her either this knowledge , or this eventual indignity .
27 Alice , slightly pink , glanced at Auguste , and continued to avoid Alfred 's eyes which were fixed on her beseechingly .
28 But then Adam said , ‘ Caer Wydyr , ’ and his eyes stayed on her desperately .
29 The blonde struck a pose and fixed a tight smile on her immaculately made-up face .
30 His eyes rested on her appreciatively .
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