Example sentences of "on the [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The villa with its ceremonial painted chamber , uncovered by chance a quarter of a century ago on the Marchese 's lands , had been walled up again .
2 E/3 all-metal cars began to appear on the Thornton Heath route 42 .
3 Since the introduction of through working on the main line in 1926 , cars on the Thornton Heath service had shown the destination ‘ Greyhound ’ as their southern terminus , but had in fact reversed at the Davis Theatre ( a large cinema ) a little further down the High Street , near South End .
4 While in use on the Croydon system , these cars normally worked on the Thornton Heath — Purley service and like 46–55 were probably too large for the Penge or Addiscombe services .
5 In April and June 1927 , Nos. 36 and 38 were fitted with Westinghouse air brakes acting on the wheels and on the track so that they could be used on the Thornton Heath route and run in conjunction with the bogie cars that were being similarly equipped .
6 Soon after he came to power he personally led an expedition against the Shanqalla negroes on the Sudan border , and my father affirmed that the slaughter there must have satisfied for a time even his craving for blood .
7 High on the Charpoua Glacier tiny figures crossed the bergschrund while far below , on the banded sea-of-ice , more , in ant-like procession , were marching towards Montenvers .
8 A PRELIMINARY report on the Braer oil spill has been submitted to the Government but its contents are secret .
9 [ For background information on the FPR and its demands , see p. 37765 . ]
10 Jock 's voice was raised as he continued to describe the events over the past five days : — The attack on the Casino at Ouistreham and the eventual capture of the town by the British and French of No. 4 Commando .
11 Drawn in the deeper water upstream of the suspension bridge on the Groves section and facing the boathouse , Winston used a small swimfeeder rig looking for fall-back bites on double maggot from the dace and roach .
12 In the same 1943 raid , Torquay was also bombed again and the deaf centre escaped with minor blast damage when a bomb fell on the St. Marychurch building a few yards up the road , killing 18 children who were in the building .
13 THE amalgamation of St. John Southworth and St. Thomas More High School on the St. Vincent Road site , to form Corpus Christi High School , involved extensive alterations and upgrading , to provide accommodation equal to that in either of the existing schools , and conforming to current D.E.S .
14 Bringing a force north-west from the French colony on the St. Lawrence to attack them would be very difficult but , if a force could be brought at all , it would not have to be very large to capture all the bases .
15 Some IR£150 million of this was spent on the St. James 's Gate site .
16 It seems certain that the blend of characteristics at Great Witcombe is attributable to a mosaicist who had worked on the St. Nicholas Street mosaic .
17 Right : Ice pinnacles , some more than 150ft tall , on the Chong Kumdan glacier .
18 The Library will not provide multiple copies of books or journals , for individual Departments on the Inverleith site , but will purchase only Library copies .
19 The leaders of Kosovo Albanian political groupings on Aug. 14 rejected a proposal by Panic that talks should be held in Belgrade on the Kosovo question , insisting that any talks between Kosovo Albanians and Serbs should be held under international auspices at the forthcoming London Conference .
20 Recent research on the Lungshan culture of eastern China suggests that Shang jade technology was rooted in Neolithic antecedents .
21 There is a travesty on the Edna Jacques story in a mid-40s publication entitled ‘ Sara Binks the Sweet Song-bird of Southern Saskatchewan ’ which first appeared as a series of articles in several prairie newspapers .
22 But there is another , and very serious cultural problem , as discussed by Brian Masters , author of the book ‘ Killing for Company ’ ( 1991 ) , based on the Nilsen case .
23 Innocent 's own construction of a fortified residence at the Vatican , on the Mons Saccorum , must be seen as a conscious effort to build a power base away from the Lateran ( sometimes called " the winter palace " of the pope ) , where the Conti were vulnerable .
24 Only those who know what they are looking for will stumble upon it and this seclusion exerted a strong appeal on the Ashleys .
26 On the Richards decision , Kinsey explained : ‘ He was preventing release of the ball .
27 Only 17 anglers turned up for Sunday 's Notts AA Open on the Trent at Shelford so a match was organised downstream at East Bridgeford where there was a stunning result .
28 Brian Salt ( Rists ) could have won the Kidsgrove Open on the Trent and Mersey Canal if he had n't missed his keepnet with an 8 oz roach .
29 Freezing rod rings made it hard work in the Wotsits Open on the Trent at Long Higgin where Simon Roff ( Tri-Cast Barnsley ) fished the feeder at long range for three chub to 4 lb 4 oz in a winning 9–3–8 .
30 The Rugeley Open on the Trent and Mersey Canal at Mossley went ahead after ice-breaking operation , although the attendance was kept down by poor road conditions .
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