Example sentences of "on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cos , before you crash we had six lights on t' back and we had eight on t' front .
2 He come back , we 've got headlights on t' front two fog lights and we got brake lights on t' back .
3 ‘ T' Brownies laid yum acrost t' river one night long ago so'as an old farmwife who 'd been kind to yum could get over to her daughter 's house on t' other side without goin' miles a-down t' river t' bridge . ’
4 I landed 'im one for that and bowled him clean over — now he 's grinning on t' other side of 'is face !
5 yeah , I would n't call that cheap oh there was summat on t' other day , Sunday , and I told him and he forgot about it did n't he ? ,
6 or I 've lost it on t' way running for bus .
7 I says , oh well I better wait here for her coming back , cos I 'll probably pass her on t' way .
8 You know when er , you 're going on away or on t' beach or summat and you put your toiletries in and you can put a towel and that ?
9 What I do is , I roll a towel up and that , and put , take them down on t' beach , you know , cos I could put my purse in and that .
10 As she were in a hurry an' it were ready I said you 'd send on t' bill . ’
11 Cos I ca I were querying on t' bill , I says , why is it two meters ?
12 ‘ Do n't tell me you have n't heard on t' Brownie wee folk ! ’
13 ‘ I 've heard on t' Brownie gals , ’ Aunt Nellie told her when the tall lady had driven off in her smart two-seater sports-car , ‘ but I don' reckon they do the sort o' good turns I 'd set store by — like helpin' wash up an' lay t' table — that I don' ! ’
14 And he says , when he gets it up to sixty mile an hour on t' motorway it 's still vibrating .
15 to Steve on t' phone , I says , I helped her fill all the forms in , you do n't mind do you ?
16 And you can guarantee , he was on t' phone on Saturday , he phoned me up on Monday , he phoned me on Tuesday and said , now I remember what I wanted .
17 I phoned up put Maggie on t' phone , told her sa tell her what this bloke had said and , they said , just a minute , that they 'll get in touch wi insurance and phone us back .
18 So I says to Maggie , we 'll phone insurance , I put her on t' phone , and she said he were , he were right clever with her !
19 I says , well I can tell you what you phoned up three times on t' row for , I says , you 've no money again have you ?
20 Actually , it 's not been on t' road .
21 Cos , before you crash we had six lights on t' back and we had eight on t' front .
22 He come back , we 've got headlights on t' front two fog lights and we got brake lights on t' back .
23 One six zero zero four are not even anything you want to rest on , fundamental problems are each treatment , the processes , and erm distortion of thin rings , which as them er , er , er , an issue when it goes to face grinding , in as much as because of the distortion you get all those lever locks stuck on , and you got to do about twenty passes on t' face grinder rather than two , and that means that we 've got an equipment out of balance in the factory , because er , it 's got , you know , so there 's quite a lot of investment
24 I 've seen you on t' bus and I 've er , seen you sculting , and I thought
25 She 's alright on t' chair .
26 So if you kiss her on t' cheek , she 's on t' lips !
27 But , them at Car Care turned round and says , it 's not on t' invoice .
28 Every time I go int bank they , just leave them on t' counter , they 've been there weeks and weeks .
29 The breadboard is on the larder shelf .
30 ‘ What is on the kitchen table ? ’ or ‘ What is on the larder shelf ? ’ etc .
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