Example sentences of "on [pers pn] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And he warned his opponents : ‘ If you are going over the top on me you 've got to put me out of the game .
2 He says : ‘ If you 're going to go over the top on me you 've got to put me out of the game because I 'll be coming back for you . ’
3 ‘ Other women may have enjoyed your Viking tactics but , let me assure you , if you lay one finger on me you 'll regret it . ’
4 Told ya , I know when I were in hospital I had that stuff on me you know it were terrible even though it was
5 and then I thought well I ca n't cos , I 've got er calculator in this bag and I have n't got it on me you see .
6 well I had it , but I have n't got it on me you are never gon na believe
7 he rolls around on me you know my cheeks my ears and my hair does n't he ?
8 Oh do n't start on me you know , saying I ca n't there on Tuesday !
9 When it did dawn on me it was too late .
10 I do n't think I would ever do such a thing again , but when the depression settles on me I 'm very vulnerable , and if I went to see a film and it had a drowning sequence in it , or swirling water , then you just ca n't tell .
11 I AM a fan and an observer of dogs and before the avalanche descends on me I must shout that , like Chris Joyce , our US Editor , I am well aware of the case against dogs but also know that the relationship is to human advantage rather than the other way round .
12 ‘ She was in school uniform but she made such an impact on me I nearly burst my tyres driving along the pavement , ’ Sarah says .
13 Knowing the effect this had on me I could never conceal myself from a child of mine .
14 ‘ Lost on me I 'm afraid , ’ muttered Tuppe .
15 But if you lay one finger on me I 'll …
16 And have that sprung on me I I I , I I feel terrible because the communion service i is , is something I have to prepare for in myself and obviously shape the whole se se service around it .
17 If Mike had even got a bit on me I said I 'd have bloody killed him !
18 when we us the last two and that one exploded on me I had this and it goes and exploded all over me and went over
19 So after about a couple of bouts , I thought , alright , and it suddenly dawned on me I did n't know how to stop the tractor .
20 When he spewed on me he sort of give it away though .
21 they 're going on me he
22 If we consider for a moment the extent to which the hero-kings of early agricultural societies did indeed come to play a maternal , provident role with regard to those dependent on them we can perhaps begin to see the truth of the claim that they became the heirs of the matriarchs .
23 You can put one on them we 've converse for the , put it on for the evening
24 ‘ If they can stand dogs piddling on them they can stand a bit o' paint . ’
25 Right up until the coup in nineteen twenty seven they had been following a policy dictated by Moscow , dictated by Stalin which told them form alliances with the Kuomintang , work with the Kuomintang , first of all trust Chiang Kai-shek , then when Chiang Kai-shek turned on them they were told to trust the left Kuomintang leaders who were based in Wo Han in the middle Yangtze valleys , and then they turned on them a policy , in other words , that had proved absolutely disastrous .
26 Well I think my parents did the best they could but the pressures that were on them they , they did n't do a very good job !
27 But there 's two ways of getting them off if they do latch on to you , one is to burn them off with a cigarette or a match and the other way is to use rock salt , and if you put rock salt on them they then just come off so that 's a little bit erm more humane for the leeches but it depends what you feel about them really as to whether you want to give them another chance .
28 Frequently , when they feel the physiotherapist 's hands on them they will begin to cry .
29 So even when he 'd got the drop on them they could still count on messing him around somehow .
30 They knew that in every list of a hundred subscribers there were one or two with real money , and on them they descended in their raucous , black-gowned hordes .
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